defprotocol Enumerable do
@moduledoc """
Enumerable protocol used by `Enum` and `Stream` modules.
When you invoke a function in the `Enum` module, the first argument
is usually a collection that must implement this protocol.
For example, the expression `[1, 2, 3], &(&1 * 2))`
invokes `Enumerable.reduce/3` to perform the reducing operation that
builds a mapped list by calling the mapping function `&(&1 * 2)` on
every element in the collection and consuming the element with an
accumulated list.
Internally, `` is implemented as follows:
def map(enumerable, fun) do
reducer = fn x, acc -> {:cont, [fun.(x) | acc]} end
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, []}, reducer) |> elem(1) |> :lists.reverse()
Note that the user-supplied function is wrapped into a `t:reducer/0` function.
The `t:reducer/0` function must return a tagged tuple after each step,
as described in the `t:acc/0` type. At the end, `Enumerable.reduce/3`
returns `t:result/0`.
This protocol uses tagged tuples to exchange information between the
reducer function and the data type that implements the protocol. This
allows enumeration of resources, such as files, to be done efficiently
while also guaranteeing the resource will be closed at the end of the
enumeration. This protocol also allows suspension of the enumeration,
which is useful when interleaving between many enumerables is required
(as in the `zip/1` and `zip/2` functions).
This protocol requires four functions to be implemented, `reduce/3`,
`count/1`, `member?/2`, and `slice/1`. The core of the protocol is the
`reduce/3` function. All other functions exist as optimizations paths
for data structures that can implement certain properties in better
than linear time.
@typedoc """
An enumerable of elements of type `element`.
This type is equivalent to `t:t/0` but is especially useful for documentation.
For example, imagine you define a function that expects an enumerable of
integers and returns an enumerable of strings:
@spec integers_to_strings(Enumerable.t(integer())) :: Enumerable.t(String.t())
def integers_to_strings(integers) do, &Integer.to_string/1)
@typedoc since: "1.14.0"
@type t(_element) :: t()
@typedoc """
The accumulator value for each step.
It must be a tagged tuple with one of the following "tags":
* `:cont` - the enumeration should continue
* `:halt` - the enumeration should halt immediately
* `:suspend` - the enumeration should be suspended immediately
Depending on the accumulator value, the result returned by
`Enumerable.reduce/3` will change. Please check the `t:result/0`
type documentation for more information.
In case a `t:reducer/0` function returns a `:suspend` accumulator,
it must be explicitly handled by the caller and never leak.
@type acc :: {:cont, term} | {:halt, term} | {:suspend, term}
@typedoc """
The reducer function.
Should be called with the `enumerable` element and the
accumulator contents.
Returns the accumulator for the next enumeration step.
@type reducer :: (element :: term, element_acc :: term -> acc)
@typedoc """
The result of the reduce operation.
It may be *done* when the enumeration is finished by reaching
its end, or *halted*/*suspended* when the enumeration was halted
or suspended by the tagged accumulator.
In case the tagged `:halt` accumulator is given, the `:halted` tuple
with the accumulator must be returned. Functions like `Enum.take_while/2`
use `:halt` underneath and can be used to test halting enumerables.
In case the tagged `:suspend` accumulator is given, the caller must
return the `:suspended` tuple with the accumulator and a continuation.
The caller is then responsible of managing the continuation and the
caller must always call the continuation, eventually halting or continuing
until the end. `` uses suspension, so it can be used to test
whether your implementation handles suspension correctly. You can also use
`` with `Enum.take_while/2` to test the combination of
`:suspend` with `:halt`.
@type result ::
{:done, term}
| {:halted, term}
| {:suspended, term, continuation}
@typedoc """
A partially applied reduce function.
The continuation is the closure returned as a result when
the enumeration is suspended. When invoked, it expects
a new accumulator and it returns the result.
A continuation can be trivially implemented as long as the reduce
function is defined in a tail recursive fashion. If the function
is tail recursive, all the state is passed as arguments, so
the continuation is the reducing function partially applied.
@type continuation :: (acc -> result)
@typedoc """
A slicing function that receives the initial position,
the number of elements in the slice, and the step.
The `start` position is a number `>= 0` and guaranteed to
exist in the `enumerable`. The length is a number `>= 1`
in a way that `start + length * step <= count`, where
`count` is the maximum amount of elements in the enumerable.
The function should return a non empty list where
the amount of elements is equal to `length`.
@type slicing_fun ::
(start :: non_neg_integer, length :: pos_integer, step :: pos_integer -> [term()])
@typedoc """
Receives an enumerable and returns a list.
@type to_list_fun :: (t -> [term()])
@doc """
Reduces the `enumerable` into an element.
Most of the operations in `Enum` are implemented in terms of reduce.
This function should apply the given `t:reducer/0` function to each
element in the `enumerable` and proceed as expected by the returned
See the documentation of the types `t:result/0` and `t:acc/0` for
more information.
## Examples
As an example, here is the implementation of `reduce` for lists:
def reduce(_list, {:halt, acc}, _fun), do: {:halted, acc}
def reduce(list, {:suspend, acc}, fun), do: {:suspended, acc, &reduce(list, &1, fun)}
def reduce([], {:cont, acc}, _fun), do: {:done, acc}
def reduce([head | tail], {:cont, acc}, fun), do: reduce(tail, fun.(head, acc), fun)
@spec reduce(t, acc, reducer) :: result
def reduce(enumerable, acc, fun)
@doc """
Retrieves the number of elements in the `enumerable`.
It should return `{:ok, count}` if you can count the number of elements
in `enumerable` in a faster way than fully traversing it.
Otherwise it should return `{:error, __MODULE__}` and a default algorithm
built on top of `reduce/3` that runs in linear time will be used.
@spec count(t) :: {:ok, non_neg_integer} | {:error, module}
def count(enumerable)
@doc """
Checks if an `element` exists within the `enumerable`.
It should return `{:ok, boolean}` if you can check the membership of a
given element in `enumerable` with `===/2` without traversing the whole
of it.
Otherwise it should return `{:error, __MODULE__}` and a default algorithm
built on top of `reduce/3` that runs in linear time will be used.
When called outside guards, the [`in`](`in/2`) and [`not in`](`in/2`)
operators work by using this function.
@spec member?(t, term) :: {:ok, boolean} | {:error, module}
def member?(enumerable, element)
@doc """
Returns a function that slices the data structure contiguously.
It should return either:
* `{:ok, size, slicing_fun}` - if the `enumerable` has a known
bound and can access a position in the `enumerable` without
traversing all previous elements. The `slicing_fun` will receive
a `start` position, the `amount` of elements to fetch, and a
* `{:ok, size, to_list_fun}` - if the `enumerable` has a known bound
and can access a position in the `enumerable` by first converting
it to a list via `to_list_fun`.
* `{:error, __MODULE__}` - the enumerable cannot be sliced efficiently
and a default algorithm built on top of `reduce/3` that runs in
linear time will be used.
## Differences to `count/1`
The `size` value returned by this function is used for boundary checks,
therefore it is extremely important that this function only returns `:ok`
if retrieving the `size` of the `enumerable` is cheap, fast, and takes
constant time. Otherwise the simplest of operations, such as
`, 0)`, will become too expensive.
On the other hand, the `count/1` function in this protocol should be
implemented whenever you can count the number of elements in the collection
without traversing it.
@spec slice(t) ::
{:ok, size :: non_neg_integer(), slicing_fun() | to_list_fun()}
| {:error, module()}
def slice(enumerable)
defmodule Enum do
import Kernel, except: [max: 2, min: 2]
@moduledoc """
Functions for working with collections (known as enumerables).
In Elixir, an enumerable is any data type that implements the
`Enumerable` protocol. `List`s (`[1, 2, 3]`), `Map`s (`%{foo: 1, bar: 2}`)
and `Range`s (`1..3`) are common data types used as enumerables:
iex>[1, 2, 3], fn x -> x * 2 end)
[2, 4, 6]
iex> Enum.sum([1, 2, 3])
iex>, fn x -> x * 2 end)
[2, 4, 6]
iex> Enum.sum(1..3)
iex> map = %{"a" => 1, "b" => 2}
iex>, fn {k, v} -> {k, v * 2} end)
[{"a", 2}, {"b", 4}]
Many other enumerables exist in the language, such as `MapSet`s
and the data type returned by `!/3` which allows a file to be
traversed as if it was an enumerable.
For a general overview of all functions in the `Enum` module, see
[the `Enum` cheatsheet](enum-cheat.cheatmd).
The functions in this module work in linear time. This means that, the
time it takes to perform an operation grows at the same rate as the length
of the enumerable. This is expected on operations such as ``.
After all, if we want to traverse every element on a list, the longer the
list, the more elements we need to traverse, and the longer it will take.
This linear behavior should also be expected on operations like `count/1`,
`member?/2`, `at/2` and similar. While Elixir does allow data types to
provide performant variants for such operations, you should not expect it
to always be available, since the `Enum` module is meant to work with a
large variety of data types and not all data types can provide optimized
Finally, note the functions in the `Enum` module are eager: they will
traverse the enumerable as soon as they are invoked. This is particularly
dangerous when working with infinite enumerables. In such cases, you should
use the `Stream` module, which allows you to lazily express computations,
without traversing collections, and work with possibly infinite collections.
See the `Stream` module for examples and documentation.
@compile :inline_list_funcs
@type t :: Enumerable.t()
@type acc :: any
@type element :: any
@typedoc "Zero-based index. It can also be a negative integer."
@type index :: integer
@type default :: any
require Stream.Reducers, as: R
defmacrop skip(acc) do
defmacrop next(_, entry, acc) do
quote(do: [unquote(entry) | unquote(acc)])
defmacrop acc(head, state, _) do
quote(do: {unquote(head), unquote(state)})
defmacrop next_with_acc(_, entry, head, state, _) do
quote do
{[unquote(entry) | unquote(head)], unquote(state)}
@doc """
Returns `true` if all elements in `enumerable` are truthy.
When an element has a falsy value (`false` or `nil`) iteration stops immediately
and `false` is returned. In all other cases `true` is returned.
## Examples
iex> Enum.all?([1, 2, 3])
iex> Enum.all?([1, nil, 3])
iex> Enum.all?([])
@spec all?(t) :: boolean
def all?(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable) do
def all?(enumerable) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, true}, fn entry, _ ->
if entry, do: {:cont, true}, else: {:halt, false}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Returns `true` if `fun.(element)` is truthy for all elements in `enumerable`.
Iterates over `enumerable` and invokes `fun` on each element. If `fun` ever
returns a falsy value (`false` or `nil`), iteration stops immediately and
`false` is returned. Otherwise, `true` is returned.
## Examples
iex> Enum.all?([2, 4, 6], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end)
iex> Enum.all?([2, 3, 4], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end)
iex> Enum.all?([], fn _ -> nil end)
As the last example shows, `Enum.all?/2` returns `true` if `enumerable` is
empty, regardless of `fun`. In an empty enumerable there is no element for
which `fun` returns a falsy value, so the result must be `true`. This is a
well-defined logical argument for empty collections.
@spec all?(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: boolean
def all?(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
predicate_list(enumerable, true, fun)
def all?(first..last//step, fun) do
predicate_range(first, last, step, true, fun)
def all?(enumerable, fun) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, true}, fn entry, _ ->
if fun.(entry), do: {:cont, true}, else: {:halt, false}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Returns `true` if at least one element in `enumerable` is truthy.
When an element has a truthy value (neither `false` nor `nil`) iteration stops
immediately and `true` is returned. In all other cases `false` is returned.
## Examples
iex> Enum.any?([false, false, false])
iex> Enum.any?([false, true, false])
iex> Enum.any?([])
@spec any?(t) :: boolean
def any?(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable) do
def any?(enumerable) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, false}, fn entry, _ ->
if entry, do: {:halt, true}, else: {:cont, false}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Returns `true` if `fun.(element)` is truthy for at least one element in `enumerable`.
Iterates over the `enumerable` and invokes `fun` on each element. When an invocation
of `fun` returns a truthy value (neither `false` nor `nil`) iteration stops
immediately and `true` is returned. In all other cases `false` is returned.
## Examples
iex> Enum.any?([2, 4, 6], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
iex> Enum.any?([2, 3, 4], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
iex> Enum.any?([], fn x -> x > 0 end)
@spec any?(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: boolean
def any?(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
predicate_list(enumerable, false, fun)
def any?(first..last//step, fun) do
predicate_range(first, last, step, false, fun)
def any?(enumerable, fun) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, false}, fn entry, _ ->
if fun.(entry), do: {:halt, true}, else: {:cont, false}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Finds the element at the given `index` (zero-based).
Returns `default` if `index` is out of bounds.
A negative `index` can be passed, which means the `enumerable` is
enumerated once and the `index` is counted from the end (for example,
`-1` finds the last element).
## Examples
iex>[2, 4, 6], 0)
iex>[2, 4, 6], 2)
iex>[2, 4, 6], 4)
iex>[2, 4, 6], 4, :none)
@spec at(t, index, default) :: element | default
def at(enumerable, index, default \\ nil) when is_integer(index) do
case slice_forward(enumerable, index, 1, 1) do
[value] -> value
[] -> default
@doc false
@deprecated "Use Enum.chunk_every/2 instead"
def chunk(enumerable, count), do: chunk(enumerable, count, count, nil)
@doc false
@deprecated "Use Enum.chunk_every/3 instead"
def chunk(enum, n, step) do
chunk_every(enum, n, step, :discard)
@doc false
@deprecated "Use Enum.chunk_every/4 instead"
def chunk(enumerable, count, step, leftover) do
chunk_every(enumerable, count, step, leftover || :discard)
@doc """
Shortcut to `chunk_every(enumerable, count, count)`.
@doc since: "1.5.0"
@spec chunk_every(t, pos_integer) :: [list]
def chunk_every(enumerable, count), do: chunk_every(enumerable, count, count, [])
@doc """
Returns list of lists containing `count` elements each, where
each new chunk starts `step` elements into the `enumerable`.
`step` is optional and, if not passed, defaults to `count`, i.e.
chunks do not overlap. Chunking will stop as soon as the collection
ends or when we emit an incomplete chunk.
If the last chunk does not have `count` elements to fill the chunk,
elements are taken from `leftover` to fill in the chunk. If `leftover`
does not have enough elements to fill the chunk, then a partial chunk
is returned with less than `count` elements.
If `:discard` is given in `leftover`, the last chunk is discarded
unless it has exactly `count` elements.
## Examples
iex> Enum.chunk_every([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 2)
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
iex> Enum.chunk_every([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 3, 2, :discard)
[[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]]
iex> Enum.chunk_every([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 3, 2, [7])
[[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [5, 6, 7]]
iex> Enum.chunk_every([1, 2, 3, 4], 3, 3, [])
[[1, 2, 3], [4]]
iex> Enum.chunk_every([1, 2, 3, 4], 10)
[[1, 2, 3, 4]]
iex> Enum.chunk_every([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2, 3, [])
[[1, 2], [4, 5]]
iex> Enum.chunk_every([1, 2, 3, 4], 3, 3, Stream.cycle([0]))
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 0]]
@doc since: "1.5.0"
@spec chunk_every(t, pos_integer, pos_integer, t | :discard) :: [list]
def chunk_every(enumerable, count, step, leftover \\ [])
when is_integer(count) and count > 0 and is_integer(step) and step > 0 do
R.chunk_every(&chunk_while/4, enumerable, count, step, leftover)
@doc """
Chunks the `enumerable` with fine grained control when every chunk is emitted.
`chunk_fun` receives the current element and the accumulator and must return:
* `{:cont, chunk, acc}` to emit a chunk and continue with the accumulator
* `{:cont, acc}` to not emit any chunk and continue with the accumulator
* `{:halt, acc}` to halt chunking over the `enumerable`.
`after_fun` is invoked with the final accumulator when iteration is
finished (or `halt`ed) to handle any trailing elements that were returned
as part of an accumulator, but were not emitted as a chunk by `chunk_fun`.
It must return:
* `{:cont, chunk, acc}` to emit a chunk. The chunk will be appended to the
list of already emitted chunks.
* `{:cont, acc}` to not emit a chunk
The `acc` in `after_fun` is required in order to mirror the tuple format
from `chunk_fun` but it will be discarded since the traversal is complete.
Returns a list of emitted chunks.
## Examples
iex> chunk_fun = fn element, acc ->
...> if rem(element, 2) == 0 do
...> {:cont, Enum.reverse([element | acc]), []}
...> else
...> {:cont, [element | acc]}
...> end
...> end
iex> after_fun = fn
...> [] -> {:cont, []}
...> acc -> {:cont, Enum.reverse(acc), []}
...> end
iex> Enum.chunk_while(1..10, [], chunk_fun, after_fun)
[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]]
iex> Enum.chunk_while([1, 2, 3, 5, 7], [], chunk_fun, after_fun)
[[1, 2], [3, 5, 7]]
@doc since: "1.5.0"
@spec chunk_while(
(element, acc -> {:cont, chunk, acc} | {:cont, acc} | {:halt, acc}),
(acc -> {:cont, chunk, acc} | {:cont, acc})
) :: Enumerable.t()
when chunk: any
def chunk_while(enumerable, acc, chunk_fun, after_fun) do
{_, {res, acc}} =
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, {[], acc}}, fn entry, {buffer, acc} ->
case chunk_fun.(entry, acc) do
{:cont, chunk, acc} -> {:cont, {[chunk | buffer], acc}}
{:cont, acc} -> {:cont, {buffer, acc}}
{:halt, acc} -> {:halt, {buffer, acc}}
case after_fun.(acc) do
{:cont, _acc} -> :lists.reverse(res)
{:cont, chunk, _acc} -> :lists.reverse([chunk | res])
@doc """
Splits enumerable on every element for which `fun` returns a new
Returns a list of lists.
## Examples
iex> Enum.chunk_by([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 7, 7], &(rem(&1, 2) == 1))
[[1], [2, 2], [3], [4, 4, 6], [7, 7]]
@spec chunk_by(t, (element -> any)) :: [list]
def chunk_by(enumerable, fun) do
R.chunk_by(&chunk_while/4, enumerable, fun)
@doc """
Given an enumerable of enumerables, concatenates the `enumerables` into
a single list.
## Examples
iex> Enum.concat([1..3, 4..6, 7..9])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
iex> Enum.concat([[1, [2], 3], [4], [5, 6]])
[1, [2], 3, 4, 5, 6]
@spec concat(t) :: t
def concat(enumerables)
def concat(list) when is_list(list) do
def concat(enums) do
@doc """
Concatenates the enumerable on the `right` with the enumerable on the
This function produces the same result as the `++/2` operator
for lists.
## Examples
iex> Enum.concat(1..3, 4..6)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
iex> Enum.concat([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
@spec concat(t, t) :: t
def concat(left, right) when is_list(left) and is_list(right) do
left ++ right
def concat(left, right) do
concat_enum([left, right])
@doc """
Returns the size of the `enumerable`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.count([1, 2, 3])
@spec count(t) :: non_neg_integer
def count(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable) do
def count(enumerable) do
case Enumerable.count(enumerable) do
{:ok, value} when is_integer(value) ->
{:error, module} ->
enumerable |> module.reduce({:cont, 0}, fn _, acc -> {:cont, acc + 1} end) |> elem(1)
@doc """
Returns the count of elements in the `enumerable` for which `fun` returns
a truthy value.
## Examples
iex> Enum.count([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end)
@spec count(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: non_neg_integer
def count(enumerable, fun) do
reduce(enumerable, 0, fn entry, acc ->
if(fun.(entry), do: acc + 1, else: acc)
@doc """
Counts the enumerable stopping at `limit`.
This is useful for checking certain properties of the count of an enumerable
without having to actually count the entire enumerable. For example, if you
wanted to check that the count was exactly, at least, or more than a value.
If the enumerable implements `c:Enumerable.count/1`, the enumerable is
not traversed and we return the lower of the two numbers. To force
enumeration, use `count_until/3` with `fn _ -> true end` as the second
## Examples
iex> Enum.count_until(1..20, 5)
iex> Enum.count_until(1..20, 50)
iex> Enum.count_until(1..10, 10) == 10 # At least 10
iex> Enum.count_until(1..11, 10 + 1) > 10 # More than 10
iex> Enum.count_until(1..5, 10) < 10 # Less than 10
iex> Enum.count_until(1..10, 10 + 1) == 10 # Exactly ten
@doc since: "1.12.0"
@spec count_until(t, pos_integer) :: non_neg_integer
def count_until(enumerable, limit) when is_integer(limit) and limit > 0 do
stop_at = limit - 1
case Enumerable.count(enumerable) do
{:ok, value} ->
Kernel.min(value, limit)
{:error, module} ->
|> module.reduce(
{:cont, 0},
_, ^stop_at ->
{:halt, limit}
_, acc ->
{:cont, acc + 1}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Counts the elements in the enumerable for which `fun` returns a truthy value, stopping at `limit`.
See `count/2` and `count_until/2` for more information.
## Examples
iex> Enum.count_until(1..20, fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end, 7)
iex> Enum.count_until(1..20, fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end, 11)
@doc since: "1.12.0"
@spec count_until(t, (element -> as_boolean(term)), pos_integer) :: non_neg_integer
def count_until(enumerable, fun, limit) when is_integer(limit) and limit > 0 do
stop_at = limit - 1
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, 0}, fn
entry, ^stop_at ->
if fun.(entry) do
{:halt, limit}
{:cont, stop_at}
entry, acc ->
if fun.(entry) do
{:cont, acc + 1}
{:cont, acc}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Enumerates the `enumerable`, returning a list where all consecutive
duplicate elements are collapsed to a single element.
Elements are compared using `===/2`.
If you want to remove all duplicate elements, regardless of order,
see `uniq/1`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.dedup([1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1])
[1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
iex> Enum.dedup([1, 1, 2, 2.0, :three, :three])
[1, 2, 2.0, :three]
@spec dedup(t) :: list
def dedup(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable) do
dedup_list(enumerable, []) |> :lists.reverse()
def dedup(enumerable) do
Enum.reduce(enumerable, [], fn x, acc ->
case acc do
[^x | _] -> acc
_ -> [x | acc]
|> :lists.reverse()
@doc """
Enumerates the `enumerable`, returning a list where all consecutive
duplicate elements are collapsed to a single element.
The function `fun` maps every element to a term which is used to
determine if two elements are duplicates.
## Examples
iex> Enum.dedup_by([{1, :a}, {2, :b}, {2, :c}, {1, :a}], fn {x, _} -> x end)
[{1, :a}, {2, :b}, {1, :a}]
iex> Enum.dedup_by([5, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1], fn x -> x > 2 end)
[5, 1, 3, 2]
@spec dedup_by(t, (element -> term)) :: list
def dedup_by(enumerable, fun) do
{list, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], []}, R.dedup(fun))
@doc """
Drops the `amount` of elements from the `enumerable`.
If a negative `amount` is given, the `amount` of last values will be dropped.
The `enumerable` will be enumerated once to retrieve the proper index and
the remaining calculation is performed from the end.
## Examples
iex> Enum.drop([1, 2, 3], 2)
iex> Enum.drop([1, 2, 3], 10)
iex> Enum.drop([1, 2, 3], 0)
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.drop([1, 2, 3], -1)
[1, 2]
@spec drop(t, integer) :: list
def drop(enumerable, amount)
when is_list(enumerable) and is_integer(amount) and amount >= 0 do
drop_list(enumerable, amount)
def drop(enumerable, 0) do
def drop(enumerable, amount) when is_integer(amount) and amount > 0 do
{result, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], amount}, R.drop())
if is_list(result), do: :lists.reverse(result), else: []
def drop(enumerable, amount) when is_integer(amount) and amount < 0 do
{count, fun} = slice_count_and_fun(enumerable, 1)
amount = Kernel.min(amount + count, count)
if amount > 0 do
fun.(0, amount, 1)
@doc """
Returns a list of every `nth` element in the `enumerable` dropped,
starting with the first element.
The first element is always dropped, unless `nth` is 0.
The second argument specifying every `nth` element must be a non-negative
## Examples
iex> Enum.drop_every(1..10, 2)
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
iex> Enum.drop_every(1..10, 0)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
iex> Enum.drop_every([1, 2, 3], 1)
@spec drop_every(t, non_neg_integer) :: list
def drop_every(enumerable, nth)
def drop_every(_enumerable, 1), do: []
def drop_every(enumerable, 0), do: to_list(enumerable)
def drop_every([], nth) when is_integer(nth), do: []
def drop_every(enumerable, nth) when is_integer(nth) and nth > 1 do
{res, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], :first}, R.drop_every(nth))
@doc """
Drops elements at the beginning of the `enumerable` while `fun` returns a
truthy value.
## Examples
iex> Enum.drop_while([1, 2, 3, 2, 1], fn x -> x < 3 end)
[3, 2, 1]
@spec drop_while(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: list
def drop_while(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
drop_while_list(enumerable, fun)
def drop_while(enumerable, fun) do
{res, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], true}, R.drop_while(fun))
@doc """
Invokes the given `fun` for each element in the `enumerable`.
Returns `:ok`.
## Examples
Enum.each(["some", "example"], fn x -> IO.puts(x) end)
#=> :ok
@spec each(t, (element -> any)) :: :ok
def each(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
:lists.foreach(fun, enumerable)
def each(enumerable, fun) do
reduce(enumerable, nil, fn entry, _ ->
@doc """
Determines if the `enumerable` is empty.
Returns `true` if `enumerable` is empty, otherwise `false`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.empty?([])
iex> Enum.empty?([1, 2, 3])
@spec empty?(t) :: boolean
def empty?(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable) do
enumerable == []
def empty?(enumerable) do
case Enumerable.slice(enumerable) do
{:ok, value, _} ->
value == 0
{:error, module} ->
|> module.reduce({:cont, true}, fn _, _ -> {:halt, false} end)
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Finds the element at the given `index` (zero-based).
Returns `{:ok, element}` if found, otherwise `:error`.
A negative `index` can be passed, which means the `enumerable` is
enumerated once and the `index` is counted from the end (for example,
`-1` fetches the last element).
## Examples
iex> Enum.fetch([2, 4, 6], 0)
{:ok, 2}
iex> Enum.fetch([2, 4, 6], -3)
{:ok, 2}
iex> Enum.fetch([2, 4, 6], 2)
{:ok, 6}
iex> Enum.fetch([2, 4, 6], 4)
@spec fetch(t, index) :: {:ok, element} | :error
def fetch(enumerable, index) when is_integer(index) do
case slice_forward(enumerable, index, 1, 1) do
[value] -> {:ok, value}
[] -> :error
@doc """
Finds the element at the given `index` (zero-based).
Raises `OutOfBoundsError` if the given `index` is outside the range of
the `enumerable`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.fetch!([2, 4, 6], 0)
iex> Enum.fetch!([2, 4, 6], 2)
iex> Enum.fetch!([2, 4, 6], 4)
** (Enum.OutOfBoundsError) out of bounds error
@spec fetch!(t, index) :: element
def fetch!(enumerable, index) when is_integer(index) do
case slice_forward(enumerable, index, 1, 1) do
[value] -> value
[] -> raise Enum.OutOfBoundsError
@doc """
Filters the `enumerable`, i.e. returns only those elements
for which `fun` returns a truthy value.
See also `reject/2` which discards all elements where the
function returns a truthy value.
## Examples
iex> Enum.filter([1, 2, 3], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end)
iex> Enum.filter(["apple", "pear", "banana"], fn fruit -> String.contains?(fruit, "a") end)
["apple", "pear", "banana"]
iex> Enum.filter([4, 21, 24, 904], fn seconds -> seconds > 1000 end)
Keep in mind that `filter` is not capable of filtering and
transforming an element at the same time. If you would like
to do so, consider using `flat_map/2`. For example, if you
want to convert all strings that represent an integer and
discard the invalid one in one pass:
strings = ["1234", "abc", "12ab"]
Enum.flat_map(strings, fn string ->
case Integer.parse(string) do
# transform to integer
{int, _rest} -> [int]
# skip the value
:error -> []
@spec filter(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: list
def filter(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
filter_list(enumerable, fun)
def filter(enumerable, fun) do
reduce(enumerable, [], R.filter(fun)) |> :lists.reverse()
@doc false
@deprecated "Use Enum.filter/2 + or for comprehensions instead"
def filter_map(enumerable, filter, mapper) when is_list(enumerable) do
for element <- enumerable, filter.(element), do: mapper.(element)
def filter_map(enumerable, filter, mapper) do
|> reduce([], R.filter_map(filter, mapper))
|> :lists.reverse()
@doc """
Returns the first element for which `fun` returns a truthy value.
If no such element is found, returns `default`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.find([2, 3, 4], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
iex> Enum.find([2, 4, 6], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
iex> Enum.find([2, 4, 6], 0, fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
@spec find(t, default, (element -> any)) :: element | default
def find(enumerable, default \\ nil, fun)
def find(enumerable, default, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
find_list(enumerable, default, fun)
def find(enumerable, default, fun) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, default}, fn entry, default ->
if fun.(entry), do: {:halt, entry}, else: {:cont, default}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Similar to `find/3`, but returns the index (zero-based)
of the element instead of the element itself.
## Examples
iex> Enum.find_index([2, 4, 6], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
iex> Enum.find_index([2, 3, 4], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
@spec find_index(t, (element -> any)) :: non_neg_integer | nil
def find_index(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
find_index_list(enumerable, 0, fun)
def find_index(enumerable, fun) do
result =
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, {:not_found, 0}}, fn entry, {_, index} ->
if fun.(entry), do: {:halt, {:found, index}}, else: {:cont, {:not_found, index + 1}}
case elem(result, 1) do
{:found, index} -> index
{:not_found, _} -> nil
@doc """
Similar to `find/3`, but returns the value of the function
invocation instead of the element itself.
The return value is considered to be found when the result is truthy
(neither `nil` nor `false`).
## Examples
iex> Enum.find_value([2, 3, 4], fn x ->
...> if x > 2, do: x * x
...> end)
iex> Enum.find_value([2, 4, 6], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
iex> Enum.find_value([2, 3, 4], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 1 end)
iex> Enum.find_value([1, 2, 3], "no bools!", &is_boolean/1)
"no bools!"
@spec find_value(t, default, (element -> found_value)) :: found_value | default
when found_value: term
def find_value(enumerable, default \\ nil, fun)
def find_value(enumerable, default, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
find_value_list(enumerable, default, fun)
def find_value(enumerable, default, fun) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, default}, fn entry, default ->
fun_entry = fun.(entry)
if fun_entry, do: {:halt, fun_entry}, else: {:cont, default}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Maps the given `fun` over `enumerable` and flattens the result.
This function returns a new enumerable built by appending the result of invoking `fun`
on each element of `enumerable` together; conceptually, this is similar to a
combination of `map/2` and `concat/1`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.flat_map([:a, :b, :c], fn x -> [x, x] end)
[:a, :a, :b, :b, :c, :c]
iex> Enum.flat_map([{1, 3}, {4, 6}], fn {x, y} -> x..y end)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
iex> Enum.flat_map([:a, :b, :c], fn x -> [[x]] end)
[[:a], [:b], [:c]]
@spec flat_map(t, (element -> t)) :: list
def flat_map(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
flat_map_list(enumerable, fun)
def flat_map(enumerable, fun) do
reduce(enumerable, [], fn entry, acc ->
case fun.(entry) do
list when is_list(list) -> [list | acc]
other -> [to_list(other) | acc]
|> flat_reverse([])
defp flat_reverse([h | t], acc), do: flat_reverse(t, h ++ acc)
defp flat_reverse([], acc), do: acc
@doc """
Maps and reduces an `enumerable`, flattening the given results (only one level deep).
It expects an accumulator and a function that receives each enumerable
element, and must return a tuple containing a new enumerable (often a list)
with the new accumulator or a tuple with `:halt` as first element and
the accumulator as second.
## Examples
iex> enumerable = 1..100
iex> n = 3
iex> Enum.flat_map_reduce(enumerable, 0, fn x, acc ->
...> if acc < n, do: {[x], acc + 1}, else: {:halt, acc}
...> end)
{[1, 2, 3], 3}
iex> Enum.flat_map_reduce(1..5, 0, fn x, acc -> {[[x]], acc + x} end)
{[[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]], 15}
@spec flat_map_reduce(t, acc, fun) :: {[any], acc}
when fun: (element, acc -> {t, acc} | {:halt, acc})
def flat_map_reduce(enumerable, acc, fun) do
{_, {list, acc}} =
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, {[], acc}}, fn entry, {list, acc} ->
case fun.(entry, acc) do
{:halt, acc} ->
{:halt, {list, acc}}
{[], acc} ->
{:cont, {list, acc}}
{[entry], acc} ->
{:cont, {[entry | list], acc}}
{entries, acc} ->
{:cont, {reduce(entries, list, &[&1 | &2]), acc}}
{:lists.reverse(list), acc}
@doc """
Returns a map with keys as unique elements of `enumerable` and values
as the count of every element.
## Examples
iex> Enum.frequencies(~w{ant buffalo ant ant buffalo dingo})
%{"ant" => 3, "buffalo" => 2, "dingo" => 1}
@doc since: "1.10.0"
@spec frequencies(t) :: map
def frequencies(enumerable) do
reduce(enumerable, %{}, fn key, acc ->
case acc do
%{^key => value} -> %{acc | key => value + 1}
%{} -> Map.put(acc, key, 1)
@doc """
Returns a map with keys as unique elements given by `key_fun` and values
as the count of every element.
## Examples
iex> Enum.frequencies_by(~w{aa aA bb cc}, &String.downcase/1)
%{"aa" => 2, "bb" => 1, "cc" => 1}
iex> Enum.frequencies_by(~w{aaa aA bbb cc c}, &String.length/1)
%{3 => 2, 2 => 2, 1 => 1}
@doc since: "1.10.0"
@spec frequencies_by(t, (element -> any)) :: map
def frequencies_by(enumerable, key_fun) when is_function(key_fun) do
reduce(enumerable, %{}, fn entry, acc ->
key = key_fun.(entry)
case acc do
%{^key => value} -> %{acc | key => value + 1}
%{} -> Map.put(acc, key, 1)
@doc """
Splits the `enumerable` into groups based on `key_fun`.
The result is a map where each key is given by `key_fun`
and each value is a list of elements given by `value_fun`.
The order of elements within each list is preserved from the `enumerable`.
However, like all maps, the resulting map is unordered.
## Examples
iex> Enum.group_by(~w{ant buffalo cat dingo}, &String.length/1)
%{3 => ["ant", "cat"], 5 => ["dingo"], 7 => ["buffalo"]}
iex> Enum.group_by(~w{ant buffalo cat dingo}, &String.length/1, &String.first/1)
%{3 => ["a", "c"], 5 => ["d"], 7 => ["b"]}
The key can be any Elixir value. For example, you may use a tuple
to group by multiple keys:
iex> collection = [
...> %{id: 1, lang: "Elixir", seq: 1},
...> %{id: 1, lang: "Java", seq: 1},
...> %{id: 1, lang: "Ruby", seq: 2},
...> %{id: 2, lang: "Python", seq: 1},
...> %{id: 2, lang: "C#", seq: 2},
...> %{id: 2, lang: "Haskell", seq: 2},
...> ]
iex> Enum.group_by(collection, &{&, &1.seq})
{1, 1} => [%{id: 1, lang: "Elixir", seq: 1}, %{id: 1, lang: "Java", seq: 1}],
{1, 2} => [%{id: 1, lang: "Ruby", seq: 2}],
{2, 1} => [%{id: 2, lang: "Python", seq: 1}],
{2, 2} => [%{id: 2, lang: "C#", seq: 2}, %{id: 2, lang: "Haskell", seq: 2}]
iex> Enum.group_by(collection, &{&, &1.seq}, &{&, &1.lang})
{1, 1} => [{1, "Elixir"}, {1, "Java"}],
{1, 2} => [{1, "Ruby"}],
{2, 1} => [{2, "Python"}],
{2, 2} => [{2, "C#"}, {2, "Haskell"}]
@spec group_by(t, (element -> any), (element -> any)) :: map
def group_by(enumerable, key_fun, value_fun \\ fn x -> x end)
def group_by(enumerable, key_fun, value_fun) when is_function(key_fun) do
reduce(reverse(enumerable), %{}, fn entry, acc ->
key = key_fun.(entry)
value = value_fun.(entry)
case acc do
%{^key => existing} -> %{acc | key => [value | existing]}
%{} -> Map.put(acc, key, [value])
def group_by(enumerable, dict, fun) do
"Enum.group_by/3 with a map/dictionary as second element is deprecated. " <>
"A map is used by default and it is no longer required to pass one to this function"
# Avoid warnings about Dict
dict_module = Dict
reduce(reverse(enumerable), dict, fn entry, categories ->
dict_module.update(categories, fun.(entry), [entry], &[entry | &1])
@doc """
Intersperses `separator` between each element of the enumeration.
## Examples
iex> Enum.intersperse([1, 2, 3], 0)
[1, 0, 2, 0, 3]
iex> Enum.intersperse([1], 0)
iex> Enum.intersperse([], 0)
@spec intersperse(t, element) :: list
def intersperse(enumerable, separator) when is_list(enumerable) do
case enumerable do
[] -> []
list -> intersperse_non_empty_list(list, separator)
def intersperse(enumerable, separator) do
list =
|> reduce([], fn x, acc -> [x, separator | acc] end)
|> :lists.reverse()
# Head is a superfluous separator
case list do
[] -> []
[_ | t] -> t
@doc """
Inserts the given `enumerable` into a `collectable`.
Note that passing a non-empty list as the `collectable` is deprecated.
If you're collecting into a non-empty keyword list, consider using
`Keyword.merge(collectable, Enum.to_list(enumerable))`. If you're collecting
into a non-empty list, consider something like `Enum.to_list(enumerable) ++ collectable`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.into([1, 2], [])
[1, 2]
iex> Enum.into([a: 1, b: 2], %{})
%{a: 1, b: 2}
iex> Enum.into(%{a: 1}, %{b: 2})
%{a: 1, b: 2}
iex> Enum.into([a: 1, a: 2], %{})
%{a: 2}
iex> Enum.into([a: 2], %{a: 1, b: 3})
%{a: 2, b: 3}
@spec into(Enumerable.t(), Collectable.t()) :: Collectable.t()
def into(enumerable, collectable)
def into(enumerable, []) do
def into(%_{} = enumerable, collectable) do
into_protocol(enumerable, collectable)
def into(enumerable, %_{} = collectable) do
into_protocol(enumerable, collectable)
def into(enumerable, %{} = collectable) do
if map_size(collectable) == 0 do
into_map(enumerable, collectable)
def into(enumerable, collectable) do
into_protocol(enumerable, collectable)
defp into_map(%{} = enumerable), do: enumerable
defp into_map(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable), do: :maps.from_list(enumerable)
defp into_map(enumerable), do: enumerable |> Enum.to_list() |> :maps.from_list()
defp into_map(%{} = enumerable, collectable), do: Map.merge(collectable, enumerable)
defp into_map(enumerable, collectable) when is_list(enumerable),
do: Map.merge(collectable, :maps.from_list(enumerable))
defp into_map(enumerable, collectable),
do: Enum.reduce(enumerable, collectable, fn {key, val}, acc -> Map.put(acc, key, val) end)
defp into_protocol(enumerable, collectable) do
{initial, fun} = Collectable.into(collectable)
try do
reduce_into_protocol(enumerable, initial, fun)
kind, reason ->
fun.(initial, :halt)
:erlang.raise(kind, reason, __STACKTRACE__)
acc -> fun.(acc, :done)
defp reduce_into_protocol(enumerable, initial, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
:lists.foldl(fn x, acc -> fun.(acc, {:cont, x}) end, initial, enumerable)
defp reduce_into_protocol(enumerable, initial, fun) do
|> Enumerable.reduce({:cont, initial}, fn x, acc ->
{:cont, fun.(acc, {:cont, x})}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Inserts the given `enumerable` into a `collectable` according to the
transformation function.
## Examples
iex> Enum.into([1, 2, 3], [], fn x -> x * 3 end)
[3, 6, 9]
iex> Enum.into(%{a: 1, b: 2}, %{c: 3}, fn {k, v} -> {k, v * 2} end)
%{a: 2, b: 4, c: 3}
@spec into(Enumerable.t(), Collectable.t(), (term -> term)) :: Collectable.t()
def into(enumerable, [], transform) do, transform)
def into(%_{} = enumerable, collectable, transform) do
into_protocol(enumerable, collectable, transform)
def into(enumerable, %_{} = collectable, transform) do
into_protocol(enumerable, collectable, transform)
def into(enumerable, %{} = collectable, transform) do
if map_size(collectable) == 0 do
enumerable |> |> :maps.from_list()
Enum.reduce(enumerable, collectable, fn entry, acc ->
{key, val} = transform.(entry)
Map.put(acc, key, val)
def into(enumerable, collectable, transform) do
into_protocol(enumerable, collectable, transform)
defp into_protocol(enumerable, collectable, transform) do
{initial, fun} = Collectable.into(collectable)
try do
reduce_into_protocol(enumerable, initial, transform, fun)
kind, reason ->
fun.(initial, :halt)
:erlang.raise(kind, reason, __STACKTRACE__)
acc -> fun.(acc, :done)
defp reduce_into_protocol(enumerable, initial, transform, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
:lists.foldl(fn x, acc -> fun.(acc, {:cont, transform.(x)}) end, initial, enumerable)
defp reduce_into_protocol(enumerable, initial, transform, fun) do
|> Enumerable.reduce({:cont, initial}, fn x, acc ->
{:cont, fun.(acc, {:cont, transform.(x)})}
|> elem(1)
@doc """
Joins the given `enumerable` into a string using `joiner` as a
If `joiner` is not passed at all, it defaults to an empty string.
All elements in the `enumerable` must be convertible to a string
or be a binary, otherwise an error is raised.
## Examples
iex> Enum.join([1, 2, 3])
iex> Enum.join([1, 2, 3], " = ")
"1 = 2 = 3"
iex> Enum.join([["a", "b"], ["c", "d", "e", ["f", "g"]], "h", "i"], " ")
"ab cdefg h i"
@spec join(t, binary()) :: binary()
def join(enumerable, joiner \\ "")
def join(enumerable, "") do
|> map(&entry_to_string(&1))
|> IO.iodata_to_binary()
def join(enumerable, joiner) when is_list(enumerable) and is_binary(joiner) do
join_list(enumerable, joiner)
def join(enumerable, joiner) when is_binary(joiner) do
reduced =
reduce(enumerable, :first, fn
entry, :first -> entry_to_string(entry)
entry, acc -> [acc, joiner | entry_to_string(entry)]
if reduced == :first do
@doc """
Returns a list where each element is the result of invoking
`fun` on each corresponding element of `enumerable`.
For maps, the function expects a key-value tuple.
## Examples
iex>[1, 2, 3], fn x -> x * 2 end)
[2, 4, 6]
iex>[a: 1, b: 2], fn {k, v} -> {k, -v} end)
[a: -1, b: -2]
@spec map(t, (element -> any)) :: list
def map(enumerable, fun)
def map(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do, enumerable)
def map(first..last//step, fun) do
map_range(first, last, step, fun)
def map(enumerable, fun) do
reduce(enumerable, [], |> :lists.reverse()
@doc """
Returns a list of results of invoking `fun` on every `nth`
element of `enumerable`, starting with the first element.
The first element is always passed to the given function, unless `nth` is `0`.
The second argument specifying every `nth` element must be a non-negative
If `nth` is `0`, then `enumerable` is directly converted to a list,
without `fun` being ever applied.
## Examples
iex> Enum.map_every(1..10, 2, fn x -> x + 1000 end)
[1001, 2, 1003, 4, 1005, 6, 1007, 8, 1009, 10]
iex> Enum.map_every(1..10, 3, fn x -> x + 1000 end)
[1001, 2, 3, 1004, 5, 6, 1007, 8, 9, 1010]
iex> Enum.map_every(1..5, 0, fn x -> x + 1000 end)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
iex> Enum.map_every([1, 2, 3], 1, fn x -> x + 1000 end)
[1001, 1002, 1003]
@doc since: "1.4.0"
@spec map_every(t, non_neg_integer, (element -> any)) :: list
def map_every(enumerable, nth, fun)
def map_every(enumerable, 1, fun), do: map(enumerable, fun)
def map_every(enumerable, 0, _fun), do: to_list(enumerable)
def map_every([], nth, _fun) when is_integer(nth) and nth > 1, do: []
def map_every(enumerable, nth, fun) when is_integer(nth) and nth > 1 do
{res, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], :first}, R.map_every(nth, fun))
@doc """
Maps and intersperses the given enumerable in one pass.
## Examples
iex> Enum.map_intersperse([1, 2, 3], :a, &(&1 * 2))
[2, :a, 4, :a, 6]
@doc since: "1.10.0"
@spec map_intersperse(t, element(), (element -> any())) :: list()
def map_intersperse(enumerable, separator, mapper)
def map_intersperse(enumerable, separator, mapper) when is_list(enumerable) do
map_intersperse_list(enumerable, separator, mapper)
def map_intersperse(enumerable, separator, mapper) do
reduced =
reduce(enumerable, :first, fn
entry, :first -> [mapper.(entry)]
entry, acc -> [mapper.(entry), separator | acc]
if reduced == :first do
@doc """
Maps and joins the given `enumerable` in one pass.
If `joiner` is not passed at all, it defaults to an empty string.
All elements returned from invoking the `mapper` must be convertible to
a string, otherwise an error is raised.
## Examples
iex> Enum.map_join([1, 2, 3], &(&1 * 2))
iex> Enum.map_join([1, 2, 3], " = ", &(&1 * 2))
"2 = 4 = 6"
@spec map_join(t, String.t(), (element -> String.Chars.t())) :: String.t()
def map_join(enumerable, joiner \\ "", mapper) when is_binary(joiner) do
|> map_intersperse(joiner, &entry_to_string(mapper.(&1)))
|> IO.iodata_to_binary()
@doc """
Invokes the given function to each element in the `enumerable` to reduce
it to a single element, while keeping an accumulator.
Returns a tuple where the first element is the mapped enumerable and
the second one is the final accumulator.
The function, `fun`, receives two arguments: the first one is the
element, and the second one is the accumulator. `fun` must return
a tuple with two elements in the form of `{result, accumulator}`.
For maps, the first tuple element must be a `{key, value}` tuple.
## Examples
iex> Enum.map_reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, fn x, acc -> {x * 2, x + acc} end)
{[2, 4, 6], 6}
@spec map_reduce(t, acc, (element, acc -> {element, acc})) :: {list, acc}
def map_reduce(enumerable, acc, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
:lists.mapfoldl(fun, acc, enumerable)
def map_reduce(enumerable, acc, fun) do
{list, acc} =
reduce(enumerable, {[], acc}, fn entry, {list, acc} ->
{new_entry, acc} = fun.(entry, acc)
{[new_entry | list], acc}
{:lists.reverse(list), acc}
@doc false
def max(list = [_ | _]), do: :lists.max(list)
@doc false
def max(list = [_ | _], empty_fallback) when is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
@doc false
@spec max(t, (-> empty_result)) :: element | empty_result when empty_result: any
def max(enumerable, empty_fallback) when is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
max(enumerable, &>=/2, empty_fallback)
@doc """
Returns the maximal element in the `enumerable` according
to Erlang's term ordering.
By default, the comparison is done with the `>=` sorter function.
If multiple elements are considered maximal, the first one that
was found is returned. If you want the last element considered
maximal to be returned, the sorter function should not return true
for equal elements.
If the enumerable is empty, the provided `empty_fallback` is called.
The default `empty_fallback` raises `Enum.EmptyError`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.max([1, 2, 3])
The fact this function uses Erlang's term ordering means that the comparison
is structural and not semantic. For example:
iex> Enum.max([~D[2017-03-31], ~D[2017-04-01]])
In the example above, `max/2` returned March 31st instead of April 1st
because the structural comparison compares the day before the year.
For this reason, most structs provide a "compare" function, such as
``, which receives two structs and returns `:lt` (less-than),
`:eq` (equal to), and `:gt` (greater-than). If you pass a module as the
sorting function, Elixir will automatically use the `compare/2` function
of said module:
iex> Enum.max([~D[2017-03-31], ~D[2017-04-01]], Date)
Finally, if you don't want to raise on empty enumerables, you can pass
the empty fallback:
iex> Enum.max([], &>=/2, fn -> 0 end)
@spec max(t, (element, element -> boolean) | module()) ::
element | empty_result
when empty_result: any
@spec max(t, (element, element -> boolean) | module(), (-> empty_result)) ::
element | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def max(enumerable, sorter \\ &>=/2, empty_fallback \\ fn -> raise Enum.EmptyError end) do
aggregate(enumerable, max_sort_fun(sorter), empty_fallback)
defp max_sort_fun(sorter) when is_function(sorter, 2), do: sorter
defp max_sort_fun(module) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) != :lt)
@doc false
@spec max_by(
(element -> any),
(-> empty_result) | (element, element -> boolean) | module()
) :: element | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def max_by(enumerable, fun, empty_fallback)
when is_function(fun, 1) and is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
max_by(enumerable, fun, &>=/2, empty_fallback)
@doc """
Returns the maximal element in the `enumerable` as calculated
by the given `fun`.
By default, the comparison is done with the `>=` sorter function.
If multiple elements are considered maximal, the first one that
was found is returned. If you want the last element considered
maximal to be returned, the sorter function should not return true
for equal elements.
Calls the provided `empty_fallback` function and returns its value if
`enumerable` is empty. The default `empty_fallback` raises `Enum.EmptyError`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.max_by(["a", "aa", "aaa"], fn x -> String.length(x) end)
iex> Enum.max_by(["a", "aa", "aaa", "b", "bbb"], &String.length/1)
The fact this function uses Erlang's term ordering means that the
comparison is structural and not semantic. Therefore, if you want
to compare structs, most structs provide a "compare" function, such as
``, which receives two structs and returns `:lt` (less-than),
`:eq` (equal to), and `:gt` (greater-than). If you pass a module as the
sorting function, Elixir will automatically use the `compare/2` function
of said module:
iex> users = [
...> %{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]},
...> %{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]},
...> %{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]}
...> ]
iex> Enum.max_by(users, &(&1.birthday), Date)
%{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]}
Finally, if you don't want to raise on empty enumerables, you can pass
the empty fallback:
iex> Enum.max_by([], &String.length/1, fn -> nil end)
@spec max_by(
(element -> any),
(element, element -> boolean) | module(),
(-> empty_result)
) :: element | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def max_by(enumerable, fun, sorter \\ &>=/2, empty_fallback \\ fn -> raise Enum.EmptyError end)
when is_function(fun, 1) do
aggregate_by(enumerable, fun, max_sort_fun(sorter), empty_fallback)
@doc """
Checks if `element` exists within the `enumerable`.
Membership is tested with the match (`===/2`) operator.
## Examples
iex> Enum.member?(1..10, 5)
iex> Enum.member?(1..10, 5.0)
iex> Enum.member?([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 2)
iex> Enum.member?([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], 2.000)
iex> Enum.member?([:a, :b, :c], :d)
When called outside guards, the [`in`](`in/2`) and [`not in`](`in/2`)
operators work by using this function.
@spec member?(t, element) :: boolean
def member?(enumerable, element) when is_list(enumerable) do
:lists.member(element, enumerable)
def member?(enumerable, element) do
case Enumerable.member?(enumerable, element) do
{:ok, element} when is_boolean(element) ->
{:error, module} ->
module.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, false}, fn
v, _ when v === element -> {:halt, true}
_, _ -> {:cont, false}
|> elem(1)
@doc false
def min(list = [_ | _]), do: :lists.min(list)
@doc false
def min(list = [_ | _], empty_fallback) when is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
@doc false
@spec min(t, (-> empty_result)) :: element | empty_result when empty_result: any
def min(enumerable, empty_fallback) when is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
min(enumerable, &<=/2, empty_fallback)
@doc """
Returns the minimal element in the `enumerable` according
to Erlang's term ordering.
By default, the comparison is done with the `<=` sorter function.
If multiple elements are considered minimal, the first one that
was found is returned. If you want the last element considered
minimal to be returned, the sorter function should not return true
for equal elements.
If the enumerable is empty, the provided `empty_fallback` is called.
The default `empty_fallback` raises `Enum.EmptyError`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.min([1, 2, 3])
The fact this function uses Erlang's term ordering means that the comparison
is structural and not semantic. For example:
iex> Enum.min([~D[2017-03-31], ~D[2017-04-01]])
In the example above, `min/2` returned April 1st instead of March 31st
because the structural comparison compares the day before the year.
For this reason, most structs provide a "compare" function, such as
``, which receives two structs and returns `:lt` (less-than),
`:eq` (equal to), and `:gt` (greater-than). If you pass a module as the
sorting function, Elixir will automatically use the `compare/2` function
of said module:
iex> Enum.min([~D[2017-03-31], ~D[2017-04-01]], Date)
Finally, if you don't want to raise on empty enumerables, you can pass
the empty fallback:
iex> Enum.min([], fn -> 0 end)
@spec min(t, (element, element -> boolean) | module()) ::
element | empty_result
when empty_result: any
@spec min(t, (element, element -> boolean) | module(), (-> empty_result)) ::
element | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def min(enumerable, sorter \\ &<=/2, empty_fallback \\ fn -> raise Enum.EmptyError end) do
aggregate(enumerable, min_sort_fun(sorter), empty_fallback)
defp min_sort_fun(sorter) when is_function(sorter, 2), do: sorter
defp min_sort_fun(module) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) != :gt)
@doc false
@spec min_by(
(element -> any),
(-> empty_result) | (element, element -> boolean) | module()
) :: element | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def min_by(enumerable, fun, empty_fallback)
when is_function(fun, 1) and is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
min_by(enumerable, fun, &<=/2, empty_fallback)
@doc """
Returns the minimal element in the `enumerable` as calculated
by the given `fun`.
By default, the comparison is done with the `<=` sorter function.
If multiple elements are considered minimal, the first one that
was found is returned. If you want the last element considered
minimal to be returned, the sorter function should not return true
for equal elements.
Calls the provided `empty_fallback` function and returns its value if
`enumerable` is empty. The default `empty_fallback` raises `Enum.EmptyError`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.min_by(["a", "aa", "aaa"], fn x -> String.length(x) end)
iex> Enum.min_by(["a", "aa", "aaa", "b", "bbb"], &String.length/1)
The fact this function uses Erlang's term ordering means that the
comparison is structural and not semantic. Therefore, if you want
to compare structs, most structs provide a "compare" function, such as
``, which receives two structs and returns `:lt` (less-than),
`:eq` (equal to), and `:gt` (greater-than). If you pass a module as the
sorting function, Elixir will automatically use the `compare/2` function
of said module:
iex> users = [
...> %{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]},
...> %{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]},
...> %{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]}
...> ]
iex> Enum.min_by(users, &(&1.birthday), Date)
%{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]}
Finally, if you don't want to raise on empty enumerables, you can pass
the empty fallback:
iex> Enum.min_by([], &String.length/1, fn -> nil end)
@spec min_by(
(element -> any),
(element, element -> boolean) | module(),
(-> empty_result)
) :: element | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def min_by(enumerable, fun, sorter \\ &<=/2, empty_fallback \\ fn -> raise Enum.EmptyError end)
when is_function(fun, 1) do
aggregate_by(enumerable, fun, min_sort_fun(sorter), empty_fallback)
@doc """
Returns a tuple with the minimal and the maximal elements in the
enumerable according to Erlang's term ordering.
If multiple elements are considered maximal or minimal, the first one
that was found is returned.
Calls the provided `empty_fallback` function and returns its value if
`enumerable` is empty. The default `empty_fallback` raises `Enum.EmptyError`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.min_max([2, 3, 1])
{1, 3}
iex> Enum.min_max([], fn -> {nil, nil} end)
{nil, nil}
@spec min_max(t, (-> empty_result)) :: {element, element} | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def min_max(enumerable, empty_fallback \\ fn -> raise Enum.EmptyError end)
def min_max(first..last//step = range, empty_fallback) when is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
case Range.size(range) do
0 ->
_ ->
last = last - rem(last - first, step)
{Kernel.min(first, last), Kernel.max(first, last)}
def min_max(enumerable, empty_fallback) when is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
first_fun = &[&1 | &1]
reduce_fun = fn entry, [min | max] ->
[Kernel.min(min, entry) | Kernel.max(max, entry)]
case reduce_by(enumerable, first_fun, reduce_fun) do
:empty -> empty_fallback.()
[min | max] -> {min, max}
@doc false
@spec min_max_by(t, (element -> any), (-> empty_result)) :: {element, element} | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def min_max_by(enumerable, fun, empty_fallback)
when is_function(fun, 1) and is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
min_max_by(enumerable, fun, &</2, empty_fallback)
@doc """
Returns a tuple with the minimal and the maximal elements in the
enumerable as calculated by the given function.
If multiple elements are considered maximal or minimal, the first one
that was found is returned.
## Examples
iex> Enum.min_max_by(["aaa", "bb", "c"], fn x -> String.length(x) end)
{"c", "aaa"}
iex> Enum.min_max_by(["aaa", "a", "bb", "c", "ccc"], &String.length/1)
{"a", "aaa"}
iex> Enum.min_max_by([], &String.length/1, fn -> {nil, nil} end)
{nil, nil}
The fact this function uses Erlang's term ordering means that the
comparison is structural and not semantic. Therefore, if you want
to compare structs, most structs provide a "compare" function, such as
``, which receives two structs and returns `:lt` (less-than),
`:eq` (equal to), and `:gt` (greater-than). If you pass a module as the
sorting function, Elixir will automatically use the `compare/2` function
of said module:
iex> users = [
...> %{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]},
...> %{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]},
...> %{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]}
...> ]
iex> Enum.min_max_by(users, &(&1.birthday), Date)
%{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]},
%{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]}
Finally, if you don't want to raise on empty enumerables, you can pass
the empty fallback:
iex> Enum.min_max_by([], &String.length/1, fn -> nil end)
@spec min_max_by(t, (element -> any), (element, element -> boolean) | module()) ::
{element, element} | empty_result
when empty_result: any
@spec min_max_by(
(element -> any),
(element, element -> boolean) | module(),
(-> empty_result)
) :: {element, element} | empty_result
when empty_result: any
def min_max_by(
sorter_or_empty_fallback \\ &</2,
empty_fallback \\ fn -> raise Enum.EmptyError end
def min_max_by(enumerable, fun, sorter, empty_fallback)
when is_function(fun, 1) and is_atom(sorter) and is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
min_max_by(enumerable, fun, min_max_by_sort_fun(sorter), empty_fallback)
def min_max_by(enumerable, fun, sorter, empty_fallback)
when is_function(fun, 1) and is_function(sorter, 2) and is_function(empty_fallback, 0) do
first_fun = fn entry ->
fun_entry = fun.(entry)
{entry, entry, fun_entry, fun_entry}
reduce_fun = fn entry, {prev_min, prev_max, fun_min, fun_max} = acc ->
fun_entry = fun.(entry)
cond do
sorter.(fun_entry, fun_min) ->
{entry, prev_max, fun_entry, fun_max}
sorter.(fun_max, fun_entry) ->
{prev_min, entry, fun_min, fun_entry}
true ->
case reduce_by(enumerable, first_fun, reduce_fun) do
:empty -> empty_fallback.()
{min, max, _, _} -> {min, max}
defp min_max_by_sort_fun(module) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) == :lt)
@doc """
Splits the `enumerable` in two lists according to the given function `fun`.
Splits the given `enumerable` in two lists by calling `fun` with each element
in the `enumerable` as its only argument. Returns a tuple with the first list
containing all the elements in `enumerable` for which applying `fun` returned
a truthy value, and a second list with all the elements for which applying
`fun` returned a falsy value (`false` or `nil`).
The elements in both the returned lists are in the same relative order as they
were in the original enumerable (if such enumerable was ordered, like a
list). See the examples below.
## Examples
iex> Enum.split_with([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end)
{[4, 2, 0], [5, 3, 1]}
iex> Enum.split_with([a: 1, b: -2, c: 1, d: -3], fn {_k, v} -> v < 0 end)
{[b: -2, d: -3], [a: 1, c: 1]}
iex> Enum.split_with([a: 1, b: -2, c: 1, d: -3], fn {_k, v} -> v > 50 end)
{[], [a: 1, b: -2, c: 1, d: -3]}
iex> Enum.split_with([], fn {_k, v} -> v > 50 end)
{[], []}
@doc since: "1.4.0"
@spec split_with(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: {list, list}
def split_with(enumerable, fun) do
{acc1, acc2} =
reduce(enumerable, {[], []}, fn entry, {acc1, acc2} ->
if fun.(entry) do
{[entry | acc1], acc2}
{acc1, [entry | acc2]}
{:lists.reverse(acc1), :lists.reverse(acc2)}
@doc false
@deprecated "Use Enum.split_with/2 instead"
def partition(enumerable, fun) do
split_with(enumerable, fun)
@doc """
Returns a random element of an `enumerable`.
Raises `Enum.EmptyError` if `enumerable` is empty.
This function uses Erlang's [`:rand` module](`:rand`) to calculate
the random value. Check its documentation for setting a
different random algorithm or a different seed.
If a range is passed into the function, this function will pick a
random value between the range limits, without traversing the whole
range (thus executing in constant time and constant memory).
## Examples
The examples below use the `:exsss` pseudorandom algorithm since it's
the default from Erlang/OTP 22:
# Although not necessary, let's seed the random algorithm
iex> :rand.seed(:exsss, {100, 101, 102})
iex> Enum.random([1, 2, 3])
iex> Enum.random([1, 2, 3])
iex> Enum.random(1..1_000)
## Implementation
The random functions in this module implement reservoir sampling,
which allows them to sample infinite collections. In particular,
we implement Algorithm L, as described in by Kim-Hung Li in
"Reservoir-Sampling Algorithms of Time Complexity O(n(1+log(N/n)))".
@spec random(t) :: element
def random(enumerable)
def random(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable) do
case length(enumerable) do
0 -> raise Enum.EmptyError
length -> enumerable |> drop_list(random_count(length)) |> hd()
def random(first.._//step = range) do
case Range.size(range) do
0 -> raise Enum.EmptyError
size -> first + random_count(size) * step
def random(enumerable) do
result =
case Enumerable.slice(enumerable) do
{:ok, 0, _} ->
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 1) ->
slice_list(fun.(enumerable), random_count(count), 1, 1)
# TODO: Deprecate me in Elixir v1.18.
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 2) ->
fun.(random_count(count), 1)
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 3) ->
fun.(random_count(count), 1, 1)
{:error, _} ->
take_random(enumerable, 1)
case result do
[] -> raise Enum.EmptyError
[elem] -> elem
defp random_count(count) do
:rand.uniform(count) - 1
@doc """
Invokes `fun` for each element in the `enumerable` with the
Raises `Enum.EmptyError` if `enumerable` is empty.
The first element of the `enumerable` is used as the initial value
of the accumulator. Then, the function is invoked with the next
element and the accumulator. The result returned by the function
is used as the accumulator for the next iteration, recursively.
When the `enumerable` is done, the last accumulator is returned.
Since the first element of the enumerable is used as the initial
value of the accumulator, `fun` will only be executed `n - 1` times
where `n` is the length of the enumerable. This function won't call
the specified function for enumerables that are one-element long.
If you wish to use another value for the accumulator, use
## Examples
iex> Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3, 4], fn x, acc -> x * acc end)
@spec reduce(t, (element, acc -> acc)) :: acc
def reduce(enumerable, fun)
def reduce([h | t], fun) do
reduce(t, h, fun)
def reduce([], _fun) do
raise Enum.EmptyError
def reduce(enumerable, fun) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, :first}, fn
x, {:acc, acc} -> {:cont, {:acc, fun.(x, acc)}}
x, :first -> {:cont, {:acc, x}}
|> elem(1)
|> case do
:first -> raise Enum.EmptyError
{:acc, acc} -> acc
@doc """
Invokes `fun` for each element in the `enumerable` with the accumulator.
The initial value of the accumulator is `acc`. The function is invoked for
each element in the enumerable with the accumulator. The result returned
by the function is used as the accumulator for the next iteration.
The function returns the last accumulator.
## Examples
iex> Enum.reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, fn x, acc -> x + acc end)
iex> Enum.reduce(%{a: 2, b: 3, c: 4}, 0, fn {_key, val}, acc -> acc + val end)
## Reduce as a building block
Reduce (sometimes called `fold`) is a basic building block in functional
programming. Almost all of the functions in the `Enum` module can be
implemented on top of reduce. Those functions often rely on other operations,
such as `Enum.reverse/1`, which are optimized by the runtime.
For example, we could implement `map/2` in terms of `reduce/3` as follows:
def my_map(enumerable, fun) do
|> Enum.reduce([], fn x, acc -> [fun.(x) | acc] end)
|> Enum.reverse()
In the example above, `Enum.reduce/3` accumulates the result of each call
to `fun` into a list in reverse order, which is correctly ordered at the
end by calling `Enum.reverse/1`.
Implementing functions like `map/2`, `filter/2` and others are a good
exercise for understanding the power behind `Enum.reduce/3`. When an
operation cannot be expressed by any of the functions in the `Enum`
module, developers will most likely resort to `reduce/3`.
@spec reduce(t, acc, (element, acc -> acc)) :: acc
def reduce(enumerable, acc, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
:lists.foldl(fun, acc, enumerable)
def reduce(first..last//step, acc, fun) do
reduce_range(first, last, step, acc, fun)
def reduce(%_{} = enumerable, acc, fun) do
reduce_enumerable(enumerable, acc, fun)
def reduce(%{} = enumerable, acc, fun) do
:maps.fold(fn k, v, acc -> fun.({k, v}, acc) end, acc, enumerable)
def reduce(enumerable, acc, fun) do
reduce_enumerable(enumerable, acc, fun)
@doc """
Reduces `enumerable` until `fun` returns `{:halt, term}`.
The return value for `fun` is expected to be
* `{:cont, acc}` to continue the reduction with `acc` as the new
accumulator or
* `{:halt, acc}` to halt the reduction
If `fun` returns `{:halt, acc}` the reduction is halted and the function
returns `acc`. Otherwise, if the enumerable is exhausted, the function returns
the accumulator of the last `{:cont, acc}`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.reduce_while(1..100, 0, fn x, acc ->
...> if x < 5 do
...> {:cont, acc + x}
...> else
...> {:halt, acc}
...> end
...> end)
iex> Enum.reduce_while(1..100, 0, fn x, acc ->
...> if x > 0 do
...> {:cont, acc + x}
...> else
...> {:halt, acc}
...> end
...> end)
@spec reduce_while(t, any, (element, any -> {:cont, any} | {:halt, any})) :: any
def reduce_while(enumerable, acc, fun) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, acc}, fun) |> elem(1)
@doc """
Returns a list of elements in `enumerable` excluding those for which the function `fun` returns
a truthy value.
See also `filter/2`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.reject([1, 2, 3], fn x -> rem(x, 2) == 0 end)
[1, 3]
@spec reject(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: list
def reject(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
reject_list(enumerable, fun)
def reject(enumerable, fun) do
reduce(enumerable, [], R.reject(fun)) |> :lists.reverse()
@doc """
Returns a list of elements in `enumerable` in reverse order.
## Examples
iex> Enum.reverse([1, 2, 3])
[3, 2, 1]
@spec reverse(t) :: list
def reverse(enumerable)
def reverse([]), do: []
def reverse([_] = list), do: list
def reverse([element1, element2]), do: [element2, element1]
def reverse([element1, element2 | rest]), do: :lists.reverse(rest, [element2, element1])
def reverse(enumerable), do: reduce(enumerable, [], &[&1 | &2])
@doc """
Reverses the elements in `enumerable`, appends the `tail`, and returns
it as a list.
This is an optimization for
`enumerable |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.concat(tail)`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.reverse([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
[3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6]
@spec reverse(t, t) :: list
def reverse(enumerable, tail) when is_list(enumerable) do
:lists.reverse(enumerable, to_list(tail))
def reverse(enumerable, tail) do
reduce(enumerable, to_list(tail), fn entry, acc ->
[entry | acc]
@doc """
Reverses the `enumerable` in the range from initial `start_index`
through `count` elements.
If `count` is greater than the size of the rest of the `enumerable`,
then this function will reverse the rest of the enumerable.
## Examples
iex> Enum.reverse_slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 2, 4)
[1, 2, 6, 5, 4, 3]
@spec reverse_slice(t, non_neg_integer, non_neg_integer) :: list
def reverse_slice(enumerable, start_index, count)
when is_integer(start_index) and start_index >= 0 and is_integer(count) and count >= 0 do
list = reverse(enumerable)
length = length(list)
count = Kernel.min(count, length - start_index)
if count > 0 do
reverse_slice(list, length, start_index + count, count, [])
@doc """
Slides a single or multiple elements given by `range_or_single_index` from `enumerable`
to `insertion_index`.
The semantics of the range to be moved match the semantics of `Enum.slice/2`.
Specifically, that means:
* Indices are normalized, meaning that negative indexes will be counted from the end
(for example, -1 means the last element of the enumerable). This will result in *two*
traversals of your enumerable on types like lists that don't provide a constant-time count.
* If the normalized index range's `last` is out of bounds, the range is truncated to the last element.
* If the normalized index range's `first` is out of bounds, the selected range for sliding
will be empty, so you'll get back your input list.
* Decreasing ranges (such as `5..0//1`) also select an empty range to be moved,
so you'll get back your input list.
* Ranges with any step but 1 will raise an error.
## Examples
# Slide a single element
iex> Enum.slide([:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g], 5, 1)
[:a, :f, :b, :c, :d, :e, :g]
# Slide a range of elements backward
iex> Enum.slide([:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g], 3..5, 1)
[:a, :d, :e, :f, :b, :c, :g]
# Slide a range of elements forward
iex> Enum.slide([:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g], 1..3, 5)
[:a, :e, :f, :b, :c, :d, :g]
# Slide with negative indices (counting from the end)
iex> Enum.slide([:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g], 3..-1//1, 2)
[:a, :b, :d, :e, :f, :g, :c]
iex> Enum.slide([:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g], -4..-2, 1)
[:a, :d, :e, :f, :b, :c, :g]
# Insert at negative indices (counting from the end)
iex> Enum.slide([:a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g], 3, -1)
[:a, :b, :c, :e, :f, :g, :d]
@doc since: "1.13.0"
@spec slide(t, Range.t() | index, index) :: list
def slide(enumerable, range_or_single_index, insertion_index)
def slide(enumerable, single_index, insertion_index) when is_integer(single_index) do
slide(enumerable, single_index..single_index, insertion_index)
# This matches the behavior of Enum.slice/2
def slide(_, _.._//step = index_range, _insertion_index) when step != 1 do
raise ArgumentError,
"Enum.slide/3 does not accept ranges with custom steps, got: #{inspect(index_range)}"
# Normalize negative input ranges like Enum.slice/2
def slide(enumerable, first..last//_, insertion_index)
when first < 0 or last < 0 or insertion_index < 0 do
count = Enum.count(enumerable)
normalized_first = if first >= 0, do: first, else: Kernel.max(first + count, 0)
normalized_last = if last >= 0, do: last, else: last + count
normalized_insertion_index =
if insertion_index >= 0, do: insertion_index, else: insertion_index + count
if normalized_first < count and normalized_first != normalized_insertion_index do
normalized_range = normalized_first..normalized_last//1
slide(enumerable, normalized_range, normalized_insertion_index)
def slide(enumerable, insertion_index.._//_, insertion_index) do
def slide(_, first..last//_, insertion_index)
when insertion_index > first and insertion_index <= last do
raise ArgumentError,
"insertion index for slide must be outside the range being moved " <>
"(tried to insert #{first}..#{last} at #{insertion_index})"
def slide(enumerable, first..last//_, _insertion_index) when first > last do
# Guarantees at this point: step size == 1 and first <= last and (insertion_index < first or insertion_index > last)
def slide(enumerable, first..last//_, insertion_index) do
impl = if is_list(enumerable), do: &slide_list_start/4, else: &slide_any/4
cond do
insertion_index <= first -> impl.(enumerable, insertion_index, first, last)
insertion_index > last -> impl.(enumerable, first, last + 1, insertion_index)
# Takes the range from middle..last and moves it to be in front of index start
defp slide_any(enumerable, start, middle, last) do
# We're going to deal with 4 "chunks" of the enumerable:
# 0. "Head," before the start index
# 1. "Slide back," between start (inclusive) and middle (exclusive)
# 2. "Slide front," between middle (inclusive) and last (inclusive)
# 3. "Tail," after last
# But, we're going to accumulate these into only two lists: pre and post.
# We'll reverse-accumulate the head into our pre list, then "slide back" into post,
# then "slide front" into pre, then "tail" into post.
# Then at the end, we're going to reassemble and reverse them, and end up with the
# chunks in the correct order.
{_size, pre, post} =
Enum.reduce(enumerable, {0, [], []}, fn item, {index, pre, post} ->
{pre, post} =
cond do
index < start -> {[item | pre], post}
index >= start and index < middle -> {pre, [item | post]}
index >= middle and index <= last -> {[item | pre], post}
true -> {pre, [item | post]}
{index + 1, pre, post}
:lists.reverse(pre, :lists.reverse(post))
# Like slide_any/4 above, this optimized implementation of slide for lists depends
# on the indices being sorted such that we're moving middle..last to be in front of start.
defp slide_list_start([h | t], start, middle, last)
when start > 0 and start <= middle and middle <= last do
[h | slide_list_start(t, start - 1, middle - 1, last - 1)]
defp slide_list_start(list, 0, middle, last), do: slide_list_middle(list, middle, last, [])
defp slide_list_start([], _start, _middle, _last), do: []
defp slide_list_middle([h | t], middle, last, acc) when middle > 0 do
slide_list_middle(t, middle - 1, last - 1, [h | acc])
defp slide_list_middle(list, 0, last, start_to_middle) do
{slid_range, tail} = slide_list_last(list, last + 1, [])
slid_range ++ :lists.reverse(start_to_middle, tail)
# You asked for a middle index off the end of the list... you get what we've got
defp slide_list_middle([], _, _, acc) do
defp slide_list_last([h | t], last, acc) when last > 0 do
slide_list_last(t, last - 1, [h | acc])
defp slide_list_last(rest, 0, acc) do
{:lists.reverse(acc), rest}
defp slide_list_last([], _, acc) do
{:lists.reverse(acc), []}
@doc """
Applies the given function to each element in the `enumerable`,
storing the result in a list and passing it as the accumulator
for the next computation. Uses the first element in the `enumerable`
as the starting value.
## Examples
iex> Enum.scan(1..5, &(&1 + &2))
[1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
@spec scan(t, (element, any -> any)) :: list
def scan(enumerable, fun)
def scan([], _fun), do: []
def scan([elem | rest], fun) do
scanned = scan_list(rest, elem, fun)
[elem | scanned]
def scan(enumerable, fun) do
{res, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], :first}, R.scan2(fun))
@doc """
Applies the given function to each element in the `enumerable`,
storing the result in a list and passing it as the accumulator
for the next computation. Uses the given `acc` as the starting value.
## Examples
iex> Enum.scan(1..5, 0, &(&1 + &2))
[1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
@spec scan(t, any, (element, any -> any)) :: list
def scan(enumerable, acc, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
scan_list(enumerable, acc, fun)
def scan(enumerable, acc, fun) do
{res, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], acc}, R.scan3(fun))
@doc """
Returns a list with the elements of `enumerable` shuffled.
This function uses Erlang's [`:rand` module](`:rand`) to calculate
the random value. Check its documentation for setting a
different random algorithm or a different seed.
## Examples
The examples below use the `:exsss` pseudorandom algorithm since it's
the default from Erlang/OTP 22:
# Although not necessary, let's seed the random algorithm
iex> :rand.seed(:exsss, {11, 22, 33})
iex> Enum.shuffle([1, 2, 3])
[2, 1, 3]
iex> Enum.shuffle([1, 2, 3])
[2, 3, 1]
@spec shuffle(t) :: list
def shuffle(enumerable) do
randomized =
reduce(enumerable, [], fn x, acc ->
[{:rand.uniform(), x} | acc]
shuffle_unwrap(:lists.keysort(1, randomized))
defp shuffle_unwrap([{_, h} | rest]), do: [h | shuffle_unwrap(rest)]
defp shuffle_unwrap([]), do: []
@doc """
Returns a subset list of the given `enumerable` by `index_range`.
`index_range` must be a `Range`. Given an `enumerable`, it drops
elements before `index_range.first` (zero-base), then it takes elements
until element `index_range.last` (inclusively).
Indexes are normalized, meaning that negative indexes will be counted
from the end (for example, `-1` means the last element of the `enumerable`).
If `index_range.last` is out of bounds, then it is assigned as the index
of the last element.
If the normalized `index_range.first` is out of bounds of the given
`enumerable`, or this one is greater than the normalized `index_range.last`,
then `[]` is returned.
If a step `n` (other than `1`) is used in `index_range`, then it takes
every `n`th element from `index_range.first` to `index_range.last`
(according to the same rules described above).
## Examples
iex> Enum.slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1..3)
[2, 3, 4]
iex> Enum.slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3..10)
[4, 5]
# Last three elements (negative indexes)
iex> Enum.slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], -3..-1)
[3, 4, 5]
For ranges where `start > stop`, you need to explicit
mark them as increasing:
iex> Enum.slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 1..-2//1)
[2, 3, 4]
The step can be any positive number. For example, to
get every 2 elements of the collection:
iex> Enum.slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 0..-1//2)
[1, 3, 5]
To get every third element of the first ten elements:
iex> integers = Enum.to_list(1..20)
iex> Enum.slice(integers, 0..9//3)
[1, 4, 7, 10]
If the first position is after the end of the enumerable
or after the last position of the range, it returns an
empty list:
iex> Enum.slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 6..10)
# first is greater than last
iex> Enum.slice([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 6..5//1)
@doc since: "1.6.0"
@spec slice(t, Range.t()) :: list
def slice(enumerable, first..last//step = index_range) do
# TODO: Support negative steps as a reverse on Elixir v2.0.
cond do
step > 0 ->
slice_range(enumerable, first, last, step)
step == -1 and first > last ->
"negative steps are not supported in Enum.slice/2, pass #{first}..#{last}//1 instead"
slice_range(enumerable, first, last, 1)
true ->
raise ArgumentError,
"Enum.slice/2 does not accept ranges with negative steps, got: #{inspect(index_range)}"
# TODO: Remove me on v2.0
def slice(enumerable, %{__struct__: Range, first: first, last: last} = index_range) do
step = if first <= last, do: 1, else: -1
slice(enumerable, Map.put(index_range, :step, step))
defp slice_range(enumerable, first, -1, step) when first >= 0 do
if step == 1 do
drop(enumerable, first)
enumerable |> drop(first) |> take_every_list(step - 1)
defp slice_range(enumerable, first, last, step)
when last >= first and last >= 0 and first >= 0 do
slice_forward(enumerable, first, last - first + 1, step)
defp slice_range(enumerable, first, last, step) do
{count, fun} = slice_count_and_fun(enumerable, step)
first = if first >= 0, do: first, else: Kernel.max(first + count, 0)
last = if last >= 0, do: last, else: last + count
amount = last - first + 1
if first < count and amount > 0 do
amount = Kernel.min(amount, count - first)
amount = amount_with_step(amount, step)
fun.(first, amount, step)
defp amount_with_step(amount, 1), do: amount
defp amount_with_step(amount, step), do: div(amount - 1, step) + 1
@doc """
Returns a subset list of the given `enumerable`, from `start_index` (zero-based)
with `amount` number of elements if available.
Given an `enumerable`, it drops elements right before element `start_index`;
then, it takes `amount` of elements, returning as many elements as possible if
there are not enough elements.
A negative `start_index` can be passed, which means the `enumerable` is
enumerated once and the index is counted from the end (for example,
`-1` starts slicing from the last element).
It returns `[]` if `amount` is `0` or if `start_index` is out of bounds.
## Examples
iex> Enum.slice(1..100, 5, 10)
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
# amount to take is greater than the number of elements
iex> Enum.slice(1..10, 5, 100)
[6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
iex> Enum.slice(1..10, 5, 0)
# using a negative start index
iex> Enum.slice(1..10, -6, 3)
[5, 6, 7]
iex> Enum.slice(1..10, -11, 5)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# out of bound start index
iex> Enum.slice(1..10, 10, 5)
@spec slice(t, index, non_neg_integer) :: list
def slice(_enumerable, start_index, 0) when is_integer(start_index), do: []
def slice(enumerable, start_index, amount)
when is_integer(start_index) and start_index < 0 and is_integer(amount) and amount >= 0 do
{count, fun} = slice_count_and_fun(enumerable, 1)
start_index = Kernel.max(count + start_index, 0)
amount = Kernel.min(amount, count - start_index)
if amount > 0 do
fun.(start_index, amount, 1)
def slice(enumerable, start_index, amount)
when is_integer(start_index) and is_integer(amount) and amount >= 0 do
slice_forward(enumerable, start_index, amount, 1)
@doc """
Sorts the `enumerable` according to Erlang's term ordering.
This function uses the merge sort algorithm. Do not use this
function to sort structs, see `sort/2` for more information.
## Examples
iex> Enum.sort([3, 2, 1])
[1, 2, 3]
@spec sort(t) :: list
def sort(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable) do
def sort(enumerable) do
sort(enumerable, &(&1 <= &2))
@doc """
Sorts the `enumerable` by the given function.
This function uses the merge sort algorithm. The given function should compare
two arguments, and return `true` if the first argument precedes or is in the
same place as the second one.
## Examples
iex> Enum.sort([1, 2, 3], &(&1 >= &2))
[3, 2, 1]
The sorting algorithm will be stable as long as the given function
returns `true` for values considered equal:
iex> Enum.sort(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &(byte_size(&1) <= byte_size(&2)))
["of", "some", "kind", "monster"]
If the function does not return `true` for equal values, the sorting
is not stable and the order of equal terms may be shuffled.
For example:
iex> Enum.sort(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &(byte_size(&1) < byte_size(&2)))
["of", "kind", "some", "monster"]
## Ascending and descending (since v1.10.0)
`sort/2` allows a developer to pass `:asc` or `:desc` as the sorter, which is a convenience for
[`&<=/2`](`<=/2`) and [`&>=/2`](`>=/2`) respectively.
iex> Enum.sort([2, 3, 1], :asc)
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.sort([2, 3, 1], :desc)
[3, 2, 1]
## Sorting structs
Do not use `</2`, `<=/2`, `>/2`, `>=/2` and friends when sorting structs.
That's because the built-in operators above perform structural comparison
and not a semantic one. Imagine we sort the following list of dates:
iex> dates = [~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06]]
iex> Enum.sort(dates)
[~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06]]
Note that the returned result is incorrect, because `sort/1` by default uses
`<=/2`, which will compare their structure. When comparing structures, the
fields are compared in alphabetical order, which means the dates above will
be compared by `day`, `month` and then `year`, which is the opposite of what
we want.
For this reason, most structs provide a "compare" function, such as
``, which receives two structs and returns `:lt` (less-than),
`:eq` (equal to), and `:gt` (greater-than). If you pass a module as the
sorting function, Elixir will automatically use the `compare/2` function
of said module:
iex> dates = [~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06]]
iex> Enum.sort(dates, Date)
[~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-06-06], ~D[2020-03-02]]
To retrieve all dates in descending order, you can wrap the module in
a tuple with `:asc` or `:desc` as first element:
iex> dates = [~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06]]
iex> Enum.sort(dates, {:asc, Date})
[~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2019-06-06], ~D[2020-03-02]]
iex> dates = [~D[2019-01-01], ~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06]]
iex> Enum.sort(dates, {:desc, Date})
[~D[2020-03-02], ~D[2019-06-06], ~D[2019-01-01]]
@spec sort(
(element, element -> boolean) | :asc | :desc | module() | {:asc | :desc, module()}
) :: list
def sort(enumerable, sorter) when is_list(enumerable) do
case sorter do
:asc -> :lists.sort(enumerable)
:desc -> :lists.sort(enumerable) |> :lists.reverse()
_ -> :lists.sort(to_sort_fun(sorter), enumerable)
def sort(enumerable, sorter) do
fun = to_sort_fun(sorter)
reduce(enumerable, [], &sort_reducer(&1, &2, fun))
|> sort_terminator(fun)
defp to_sort_fun(sorter) when is_function(sorter, 2), do: sorter
defp to_sort_fun(:asc), do: &<=/2
defp to_sort_fun(:desc), do: &>=/2
defp to_sort_fun(module) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) != :gt)
defp to_sort_fun({:asc, module}) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) != :gt)
defp to_sort_fun({:desc, module}) when is_atom(module), do: &(, &2) != :lt)
@doc """
Sorts the mapped results of the `enumerable` according to the provided `sorter`
This function maps each element of the `enumerable` using the
provided `mapper` function. The enumerable is then sorted by
the mapped elements using the `sorter`, which defaults to `:asc`
and sorts the elements ascendingly.
`sort_by/3` differs from `sort/2` in that it only calculates the
comparison value for each element in the enumerable once instead of
once for each element in each comparison. If the same function is
being called on both elements, it's more efficient to use `sort_by/3`.
## Ascending and descending (since v1.10.0)
`sort_by/3` allows a developer to pass `:asc` or `:desc` as the sorter,
which is a convenience for [`&<=/2`](`<=/2`) and [`&>=/2`](`>=/2`) respectively:
iex> Enum.sort_by([2, 3, 1], &(&1), :asc)
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.sort_by([2, 3, 1], &(&1), :desc)
[3, 2, 1]
## Examples
Using the default `sorter` of `:asc` :
iex> Enum.sort_by(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &byte_size/1)
["of", "some", "kind", "monster"]
Sorting by multiple properties - first by size, then by first letter
(this takes advantage of the fact that tuples are compared element-by-element):
iex> Enum.sort_by(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &{byte_size(&1), String.first(&1)})
["of", "kind", "some", "monster"]
Similar to `sort/2`, you can pass a custom sorter:
iex> Enum.sort_by(["some", "kind", "of", "monster"], &byte_size/1, :desc)
["monster", "some", "kind", "of"]
As in `sort/2`, avoid using the default sorting function to sort
structs, as by default it performs structural comparison instead of
a semantic one. In such cases, you shall pass a sorting function as
third element or any module that implements a `compare/2` function.
For example, to sort users by their birthday in both ascending and
descending order respectively:
iex> users = [
...> %{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]},
...> %{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]},
...> %{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]}
...> ]
iex> Enum.sort_by(users, &(&1.birthday), Date)
%{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]},
%{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]},
%{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]}
iex> Enum.sort_by(users, &(&1.birthday), {:desc, Date})
%{name: "Ellis", birthday: ~D[1943-05-11]},
%{name: "Turing", birthday: ~D[1912-06-23]},
%{name: "Lovelace", birthday: ~D[1815-12-10]}
## Performance characteristics
As detailed in the initial section, `sort_by/3` calculates the comparison
value for each element in the enumerable once instead of once for each
element in each comparison. This implies `sort_by/3` must do an initial
pass on the data to compute those values.
However, if those values are cheap to compute, for example, you have
already extracted the field you want to sort by into a tuple, then those
extra passes become overhead. In such cases, consider using `List.keysort/3`
Let's see an example. Imagine you have a list of products and you have a
list of IDs. You want to keep all products that are in the given IDs and
return their names sorted by their price. You could write it like this:
product <- products, in ids,
do: product
|> Enum.sort_by(& &1.price)
|> &
However, you could also write it like this:
product <- products, in ids,
do: {, product.price}
|> List.keysort(1)
|>, 0))
Using `List.keysort/3` will be a better choice for performance sensitive
code as it avoids additional traversals.
@spec sort_by(
(element -> mapped_element),
(element, element -> boolean) | :asc | :desc | module() | {:asc | :desc, module()}
) ::
when mapped_element: element
def sort_by(enumerable, mapper, sorter \\ :asc)
def sort_by(enumerable, mapper, :desc) when is_function(mapper, 1) do
|> Enum.reduce([], &[{&1, mapper.(&1)} | &2])
|> List.keysort(1, :asc)
|> List.foldl([], &[elem(&1, 0) | &2])
def sort_by(enumerable, mapper, sorter) when is_function(mapper, 1) do
|> map(&{&1, mapper.(&1)})
|> List.keysort(1, sorter)
|> map(&elem(&1, 0))
@doc """
Splits the `enumerable` into two enumerables, leaving `count`
elements in the first one.
If `count` is a negative number, it starts counting from the
back to the beginning of the `enumerable`.
Be aware that a negative `count` implies the `enumerable`
will be enumerated twice: once to calculate the position, and
a second time to do the actual splitting.
## Examples
iex> Enum.split([1, 2, 3], 2)
{[1, 2], [3]}
iex> Enum.split([1, 2, 3], 10)
{[1, 2, 3], []}
iex> Enum.split([1, 2, 3], 0)
{[], [1, 2, 3]}
iex> Enum.split([1, 2, 3], -1)
{[1, 2], [3]}
iex> Enum.split([1, 2, 3], -5)
{[], [1, 2, 3]}
@spec split(t, integer) :: {list, list}
def split(enumerable, count) when is_list(enumerable) and is_integer(count) and count >= 0 do
split_list(enumerable, count, [])
def split(enumerable, count) when is_integer(count) and count >= 0 do
{_, list1, list2} =
reduce(enumerable, {count, [], []}, fn entry, {counter, acc1, acc2} ->
if counter > 0 do
{counter - 1, [entry | acc1], acc2}
{counter, acc1, [entry | acc2]}
{:lists.reverse(list1), :lists.reverse(list2)}
def split(enumerable, count) when is_integer(count) and count < 0 do
split_reverse_list(reverse(enumerable), -count, [])
@doc """
Splits enumerable in two at the position of the element for which
`fun` returns a falsy value (`false` or `nil`) for the first time.
It returns a two-element tuple with two lists of elements.
The element that triggered the split is part of the second list.
## Examples
iex> Enum.split_while([1, 2, 3, 4], fn x -> x < 3 end)
{[1, 2], [3, 4]}
iex> Enum.split_while([1, 2, 3, 4], fn x -> x < 0 end)
{[], [1, 2, 3, 4]}
iex> Enum.split_while([1, 2, 3, 4], fn x -> x > 0 end)
{[1, 2, 3, 4], []}
@spec split_while(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: {list, list}
def split_while(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
split_while_list(enumerable, fun, [])
def split_while(enumerable, fun) do
{list1, list2} =
reduce(enumerable, {[], []}, fn
entry, {acc1, []} ->
if(fun.(entry), do: {[entry | acc1], []}, else: {acc1, [entry]})
entry, {acc1, acc2} ->
{acc1, [entry | acc2]}
{:lists.reverse(list1), :lists.reverse(list2)}
@doc """
Returns the sum of all elements.
Raises `ArithmeticError` if `enumerable` contains a non-numeric value.
## Examples
iex> Enum.sum([1, 2, 3])
iex> Enum.sum(1..10)
iex> Enum.sum(1..10//2)
@spec sum(t) :: number
def sum(enumerable)
def sum(first..last//step = range) do
|> Range.size()
|> Kernel.*(first + last - rem(last - first, step))
|> div(2)
def sum(enumerable) do
reduce(enumerable, 0, &+/2)
@doc """
Returns the product of all elements.
Raises `ArithmeticError` if `enumerable` contains a non-numeric value.
## Examples
iex> Enum.product([])
iex> Enum.product([2, 3, 4])
iex> Enum.product([2.0, 3.0, 4.0])
@doc since: "1.12.0"
@spec product(t) :: number
def product(enumerable) do
reduce(enumerable, 1, &*/2)
@doc """
Takes an `amount` of elements from the beginning or the end of the `enumerable`.
If a positive `amount` is given, it takes the `amount` elements from the
beginning of the `enumerable`.
If a negative `amount` is given, the `amount` of elements will be taken from the end.
The `enumerable` will be enumerated once to retrieve the proper index and
the remaining calculation is performed from the end.
If amount is `0`, it returns `[]`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.take([1, 2, 3], 2)
[1, 2]
iex> Enum.take([1, 2, 3], 10)
[1, 2, 3]
iex> Enum.take([1, 2, 3], 0)
iex> Enum.take([1, 2, 3], -1)
@spec take(t, integer) :: list
def take(enumerable, amount)
def take(_enumerable, 0), do: []
def take(enumerable, amount)
when is_list(enumerable) and is_integer(amount) and amount > 0 do
take_list(enumerable, amount)
def take(enumerable, amount) when is_integer(amount) and amount > 0 do
{_, {res, _}} =
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, {[], amount}}, fn entry, {list, n} ->
case n do
1 -> {:halt, {[entry | list], n - 1}}
_ -> {:cont, {[entry | list], n - 1}}
def take(enumerable, amount) when is_integer(amount) and amount < 0 do
{count, fun} = slice_count_and_fun(enumerable, 1)
first = Kernel.max(amount + count, 0)
fun.(first, count - first, 1)
@doc """
Returns a list of every `nth` element in the `enumerable`,
starting with the first element.
The first element is always included, unless `nth` is 0.
The second argument specifying every `nth` element must be a non-negative
## Examples
iex> Enum.take_every(1..10, 2)
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
iex> Enum.take_every(1..10, 0)
iex> Enum.take_every([1, 2, 3], 1)
[1, 2, 3]
@spec take_every(t, non_neg_integer) :: list
def take_every(enumerable, nth)
def take_every(_enumerable, 0), do: []
def take_every(enumerable, 1), do: to_list(enumerable)
def take_every(list, nth) when is_list(list) and is_integer(nth) and nth > 1 do
take_every_list(list, nth - 1)
def take_every(enumerable, nth) when is_integer(nth) and nth > 1 do
{res, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], :first}, R.take_every(nth))
@doc """
Takes `count` random elements from `enumerable`.
Note that this function will traverse the whole `enumerable` to
get the random sublist.
See `random/1` for notes on implementation and random seed.
## Examples
# Although not necessary, let's seed the random algorithm
iex> :rand.seed(:exsss, {1, 2, 3})
iex> Enum.take_random(1..10, 2)
[6, 1]
iex> Enum.take_random(?a..?z, 5)
@spec take_random(t, non_neg_integer) :: list
def take_random(enumerable, count)
def take_random(_enumerable, 0), do: []
def take_random([], _), do: []
def take_random(enumerable, 1) do
|> reduce({0, 0, 1.0, nil}, fn
elem, {idx, idx, w, _current} ->
{jdx, w} = take_jdx_w(idx, w, 1)
{idx + 1, jdx, w, elem}
_elem, {idx, jdx, w, current} ->
{idx + 1, jdx, w, current}
|> case do
{0, 0, 1.0, nil} -> []
{_idx, _jdx, _w, current} -> [current]
def take_random(enumerable, count) when count in 0..128 do
sample = Tuple.duplicate(nil, count)
reducer = fn
elem, {idx, jdx, w, sample} when idx < count ->
rand = take_index(idx)
sample = sample |> put_elem(idx, elem(sample, rand)) |> put_elem(rand, elem)
if idx == jdx do
{jdx, w} = take_jdx_w(idx, w, count)
{idx + 1, jdx, w, sample}
{idx + 1, jdx, w, sample}
elem, {idx, idx, w, sample} ->
pos = :rand.uniform(count) - 1
{jdx, w} = take_jdx_w(idx, w, count)
{idx + 1, jdx, w, put_elem(sample, pos, elem)}
_elem, {idx, jdx, w, sample} ->
{idx + 1, jdx, w, sample}
{size, _, _, sample} = reduce(enumerable, {0, count - 1, 1.0, sample}, reducer)
if count < size do
take_tupled(sample, size, [])
def take_random(enumerable, count) when is_integer(count) and count >= 0 do
reducer = fn
elem, {idx, jdx, w, sample} when idx < count ->
rand = take_index(idx)
sample = sample |> Map.put(idx, Map.get(sample, rand)) |> Map.put(rand, elem)
if idx == jdx do
{jdx, w} = take_jdx_w(idx, w, count)
{idx + 1, jdx, w, sample}
{idx + 1, jdx, w, sample}
elem, {idx, idx, w, sample} ->
pos = :rand.uniform(count) - 1
{jdx, w} = take_jdx_w(idx, w, count)
{idx + 1, jdx, w, %{sample | pos => elem}}
_elem, {idx, jdx, w, sample} ->
{idx + 1, jdx, w, sample}
{size, _, _, sample} = reduce(enumerable, {0, count - 1, 1.0, %{}}, reducer)
take_mapped(sample, Kernel.min(count, size), [])
@compile {:inline, take_jdx_w: 3, take_index: 1}
defp take_jdx_w(idx, w, count) do
w = w * :math.exp(:math.log(:rand.uniform()) / count)
jdx = idx + floor(:math.log(:rand.uniform()) / :math.log(1 - w)) + 1
{jdx, w}
defp take_index(0), do: 0
defp take_index(idx), do: :rand.uniform(idx + 1) - 1
defp take_tupled(_sample, 0, acc), do: acc
defp take_tupled(sample, position, acc) do
position = position - 1
take_tupled(sample, position, [elem(sample, position) | acc])
defp take_mapped(_sample, 0, acc), do: acc
defp take_mapped(sample, position, acc) do
position = position - 1
take_mapped(sample, position, [Map.fetch!(sample, position) | acc])
@doc """
Takes the elements from the beginning of the `enumerable` while `fun` returns
a truthy value.
## Examples
iex> Enum.take_while([1, 2, 3], fn x -> x < 3 end)
[1, 2]
@spec take_while(t, (element -> as_boolean(term))) :: list
def take_while(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
take_while_list(enumerable, fun)
def take_while(enumerable, fun) do
{_, res} =
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, []}, fn entry, acc ->
if fun.(entry) do
{:cont, [entry | acc]}
{:halt, acc}
@doc """
Converts `enumerable` to a list.
## Examples
iex> Enum.to_list(1..3)
[1, 2, 3]
@spec to_list(t) :: [element]
def to_list(enumerable) when is_list(enumerable), do: enumerable
def to_list(%{__struct__: Range} = range), do: Range.to_list(range)
def to_list(%_{} = enumerable), do: reverse(enumerable) |> :lists.reverse()
def to_list(%{} = enumerable), do: Map.to_list(enumerable)
def to_list(enumerable), do: reverse(enumerable) |> :lists.reverse()
@doc """
Enumerates the `enumerable`, removing all duplicate elements.
## Examples
iex> Enum.uniq([1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1])
[1, 2, 3]
@spec uniq(t) :: list
def uniq(enumerable) do
uniq_by(enumerable, fn x -> x end)
@doc false
@deprecated "Use Enum.uniq_by/2 instead"
def uniq(enumerable, fun) do
uniq_by(enumerable, fun)
@doc """
Enumerates the `enumerable`, by removing the elements for which
function `fun` returned duplicate elements.
The function `fun` maps every element to a term. Two elements are
considered duplicates if the return value of `fun` is equal for
both of them.
The first occurrence of each element is kept.
## Example
iex> Enum.uniq_by([{1, :x}, {2, :y}, {1, :z}], fn {x, _} -> x end)
[{1, :x}, {2, :y}]
iex> Enum.uniq_by([a: {:tea, 2}, b: {:tea, 2}, c: {:coffee, 1}], fn {_, y} -> y end)
[a: {:tea, 2}, c: {:coffee, 1}]
@spec uniq_by(t, (element -> term)) :: list
def uniq_by(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) do
uniq_list(enumerable, %{}, fun)
def uniq_by(enumerable, fun) do
{list, _} = reduce(enumerable, {[], %{}}, R.uniq_by(fun))
@doc """
Opposite of `zip/2`. Extracts two-element tuples from the
given `enumerable` and groups them together.
It takes an `enumerable` with elements being two-element tuples and returns
a tuple with two lists, each of which is formed by the first and
second element of each tuple, respectively.
This function fails unless `enumerable` is or can be converted into a
list of tuples with *exactly* two elements in each tuple.
## Examples
iex> Enum.unzip([{:a, 1}, {:b, 2}, {:c, 3}])
{[:a, :b, :c], [1, 2, 3]}
@spec unzip(t) :: {[element], [element]}
def unzip([_ | _] = list) do
:lists.reverse(list) |> unzip([], [])
def unzip([]) do
{[], []}
def unzip(enumerable) do
{list1, list2} =
reduce(enumerable, {[], []}, fn {el1, el2}, {list1, list2} ->
{[el1 | list1], [el2 | list2]}
{:lists.reverse(list1), :lists.reverse(list2)}
defp unzip([{el1, el2} | reversed_list], list1, list2) do
unzip(reversed_list, [el1 | list1], [el2 | list2])
defp unzip([], list1, list2) do
{list1, list2}
@doc """
Returns the `enumerable` with each element wrapped in a tuple
alongside its index or according to a given function.
May receive a function or an integer offset.
If an `offset` is given, it will index from the given offset instead of from
If a `function` is given, it will index by invoking the function for each
element and index (zero-based) of the enumerable.
## Examples
iex> Enum.with_index([:a, :b, :c])
[a: 0, b: 1, c: 2]
iex> Enum.with_index([:a, :b, :c], 3)
[a: 3, b: 4, c: 5]
iex> Enum.with_index([:a, :b, :c], fn element, index -> {index, element} end)
[{0, :a}, {1, :b}, {2, :c}]
@spec with_index(t, integer) :: [{term, integer}]
@spec with_index(t, (element, index -> value)) :: [value] when value: any
def with_index(enumerable, fun_or_offset \\ 0)
def with_index(enumerable, offset) when is_list(enumerable) and is_integer(offset) do
with_index_list(enumerable, offset)
def with_index(enumerable, fun) when is_list(enumerable) and is_function(fun, 2) do
with_index_list(enumerable, 0, fun)
def with_index(enumerable, offset) when is_integer(offset) do
|> map_reduce(offset, fn x, i -> {{x, i}, i + 1} end)
|> elem(0)
def with_index(enumerable, fun) when is_function(fun, 2) do
|> map_reduce(0, fn x, i -> {fun.(x, i), i + 1} end)
|> elem(0)
@doc """
Zips corresponding elements from two enumerables into a list
of tuples.
Because a list of two-element tuples with atoms as the first
tuple element is a keyword list (`Keyword`), zipping a first list
of atoms with a second list of any kind creates a keyword list.
The zipping finishes as soon as either enumerable completes.
## Examples
iex>[1, 2, 3], [:a, :b, :c])
[{1, :a}, {2, :b}, {3, :c}]
iex>[:a, :b, :c], [1, 2, 3])
[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3]
iex>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [:a, :b, :c])
[{1, :a}, {2, :b}, {3, :c}]
@spec zip(t, t) :: [{any, any}]
def zip(enumerable1, enumerable2) when is_list(enumerable1) and is_list(enumerable2) do
zip_list(enumerable1, enumerable2, [])
def zip(enumerable1, enumerable2) do
zip([enumerable1, enumerable2])
@doc """
Zips corresponding elements from a finite collection of enumerables
into a list of tuples.
The zipping finishes as soon as any enumerable in the given collection completes.
## Examples
iex>[[1, 2, 3], [:a, :b, :c], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]])
[{1, :a, "foo"}, {2, :b, "bar"}, {3, :c, "baz"}]
iex>[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [:a, :b, :c]])
[{1, :a}, {2, :b}, {3, :c}]
@doc since: "1.4.0"
@spec zip(enumerables) :: [tuple()] when enumerables: [t()] | t()
def zip([]), do: []
def zip(enumerables) do
zip_reduce(enumerables, [], &[List.to_tuple(&1) | &2])
|> :lists.reverse()
@doc """
Zips corresponding elements from two enumerables into a list, transforming them with
the `zip_fun` function as it goes.
The corresponding elements from each collection are passed to the provided two-arity `zip_fun`
function in turn. Returns a list that contains the result of calling `zip_fun` for each pair of
The zipping finishes as soon as either enumerable runs out of elements.
## Zipping Maps
It's important to remember that zipping inherently relies on order.
If you zip two lists you get the element at the index from each list in turn.
If we zip two maps together it's tempting to think that you will get the given
key in the left map and the matching key in the right map, but there is no such
guarantee because map keys are not ordered! Consider the following:
left = %{:a => 1, 1 => 3}
right = %{:a => 1, :b => :c}, right)
# [{{1, 3}, {:a, 1}}, {{:a, 1}, {:b, :c}}]
As you can see `:a` does not get paired with `:a`. If this is what you want,
you should use `Map.merge/3`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.zip_with([1, 2], [3, 4], fn x, y -> x + y end)
[4, 6]
iex> Enum.zip_with([1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], fn x, y -> x + y end)
[4, 6]
iex> Enum.zip_with([1, 2, 5, 6], [3, 4], fn x, y -> x + y end)
[4, 6]
@doc since: "1.12.0"
@spec zip_with(t, t, (enum1_elem :: term, enum2_elem :: term -> term)) :: [term]
def zip_with(enumerable1, enumerable2, zip_fun)
when is_list(enumerable1) and is_list(enumerable2) and is_function(zip_fun, 2) do
zip_with_list(enumerable1, enumerable2, zip_fun)
def zip_with(enumerable1, enumerable2, zip_fun) when is_function(zip_fun, 2) do
zip_reduce(enumerable1, enumerable2, [], fn l, r, acc -> [zip_fun.(l, r) | acc] end)
|> :lists.reverse()
@doc """
Zips corresponding elements from a finite collection of enumerables
into list, transforming them with the `zip_fun` function as it goes.
The first element from each of the enums in `enumerables` will be put
into a list which is then passed to the one-arity `zip_fun` function.
Then, the second elements from each of the enums are put into a list
and passed to `zip_fun`, and so on until any one of the enums in
`enumerables` runs out of elements.
Returns a list with all the results of calling `zip_fun`.
## Examples
iex> Enum.zip_with([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], fn [x, y, z] -> x + y + z end)
[9, 12]
iex> Enum.zip_with([[1, 2], [3, 4]], fn [x, y] -> x + y end)
[4, 6]
@doc since: "1.12.0"
@spec zip_with(t, ([term] -> term)) :: [term]
def zip_with([], _fun), do: []
def zip_with(enumerables, zip_fun) do
zip_reduce(enumerables, [], fn values, acc -> [zip_fun.(values) | acc] end)
|> :lists.reverse()
@doc """
Reduces over two enumerables halting as soon as either enumerable is empty.
In practice, the behavior provided by this function can be achieved with:
Enum.reduce(, right), acc, reducer)
But `zip_reduce/4` exists for convenience purposes.
## Examples
iex> Enum.zip_reduce([1, 2], [3, 4], 0, fn x, y, acc -> x + y + acc end)
iex> Enum.zip_reduce([1, 2], [3, 4], [], fn x, y, acc -> [x + y | acc] end)
[6, 4]
@doc since: "1.12.0"
@spec zip_reduce(t, t, acc, (enum1_elem :: term, enum2_elem :: term, acc -> acc)) :: acc
when acc: term
def zip_reduce(left, right, acc, reducer)
when is_list(left) and is_list(right) and is_function(reducer, 3) do
zip_reduce_list(left, right, acc, reducer)
def zip_reduce(left, right, acc, reducer) when is_function(reducer, 3) do
reduce = fn [l, r], acc -> {:cont, reducer.(l, r, acc)} end
Stream.zip_with([left, right], & &1).({:cont, acc}, reduce) |> elem(1)
@doc """
Reduces over all of the given enumerables, halting as soon as any enumerable is
The reducer will receive 2 args: a list of elements (one from each enum) and the
In practice, the behavior provided by this function can be achieved with:
Enum.reduce(, acc, reducer)
But `zip_reduce/3` exists for convenience purposes.
## Examples
iex> enums = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]
...> Enum.zip_reduce(enums, [], fn elements, acc ->
...> [List.to_tuple(elements) | acc]
...> end)
[{1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}]
iex> enums = [[1, 2], [a: 3, b: 4], [5, 6]]
...> Enum.zip_reduce(enums, [], fn elements, acc ->
...> [List.to_tuple(elements) | acc]
...> end)
[{2, {:b, 4}, 6}, {1, {:a, 3}, 5}]
@doc since: "1.12.0"
@spec zip_reduce(t, acc, ([term], acc -> acc)) :: acc when acc: term
def zip_reduce([], acc, reducer) when is_function(reducer, 2), do: acc
def zip_reduce(enums, acc, reducer) when is_function(reducer, 2) do
Stream.zip_with(enums, & &1).({:cont, acc}, &{:cont, reducer.(&1, &2)}) |> elem(1)
## Helpers
@compile {:inline,
entry_to_string: 1,
reduce: 3,
reduce_by: 3,
reduce_enumerable: 3,
reduce_range: 5,
map_range: 4}
defp entry_to_string(entry) when is_binary(entry), do: entry
defp entry_to_string(entry), do: String.Chars.to_string(entry)
defp aggregate([head | tail], fun, _empty) do
aggregate_list(tail, head, fun)
defp aggregate([], _fun, empty) do
defp aggregate(first..last//step = range, fun, empty) do
case Range.size(range) do
0 ->
_ ->
last = last - rem(last - first, step)
case fun.(first, last) do
true -> first
false -> last
defp aggregate(enumerable, fun, empty) do
ref = make_ref()
|> reduce(ref, fn
element, ^ref ->
element, acc ->
case fun.(acc, element) do
true -> acc
false -> element
|> case do
^ref -> empty.()
result -> result
defp aggregate_list([head | tail], acc, fun) do
acc =
case fun.(acc, head) do
true -> acc
false -> head
aggregate_list(tail, acc, fun)
defp aggregate_list([], acc, _fun), do: acc
defp aggregate_by(enumerable, fun, sorter, empty_fallback) do
first_fun = &[&1 | fun.(&1)]
reduce_fun = fn entry, [_ | fun_ref] = old ->
fun_entry = fun.(entry)
case sorter.(fun_ref, fun_entry) do
true -> old
false -> [entry | fun_entry]
case reduce_by(enumerable, first_fun, reduce_fun) do
:empty -> empty_fallback.()
[entry | _] -> entry
defp reduce_by([head | tail], first, fun) do
:lists.foldl(fun, first.(head), tail)
defp reduce_by([], _first, _fun) do
defp reduce_by(enumerable, first, fun) do
reduce(enumerable, :empty, fn
element, :empty -> first.(element)
element, acc -> fun.(element, acc)
## Implementations
## all?/1
defp all_list([h | t]) do
if h do
defp all_list([]) do
## any?/1
defp any_list([h | t]) do
if h do
defp any_list([]) do
## any?/2 all?/2
defp predicate_list([h | t], initial, fun) do
if !!fun.(h) == initial do
predicate_list(t, initial, fun)
not initial
defp predicate_list([], initial, _) do
defp predicate_range(first, last, step, initial, fun)
when step > 0 and first <= last
when step < 0 and first >= last do
if !!fun.(first) == initial do
predicate_range(first + step, last, step, initial, fun)
not initial
defp predicate_range(_first, _last, _step, initial, _fun) do
## concat
defp concat_list([h | t]) when is_list(h), do: h ++ concat_list(t)
defp concat_list([h | t]), do: concat_enum([h | t])
defp concat_list([]), do: []
defp concat_enum(enum) do
fun = &[&1 | &2]
enum |> reduce([], &reduce(&1, &2, fun)) |> :lists.reverse()
# dedup
defp dedup_list([value | tail], acc) do
acc =
case acc do
[^value | _] -> acc
_ -> [value | acc]
dedup_list(tail, acc)
defp dedup_list([], acc) do
## drop
defp drop_list(list, 0), do: list
defp drop_list([_ | tail], counter), do: drop_list(tail, counter - 1)
defp drop_list([], _), do: []
## drop_while
defp drop_while_list([head | tail], fun) do
if fun.(head) do
drop_while_list(tail, fun)
[head | tail]
defp drop_while_list([], _) do
## filter
defp filter_list([head | tail], fun) do
if fun.(head) do
[head | filter_list(tail, fun)]
filter_list(tail, fun)
defp filter_list([], _fun) do
## find
defp find_list([head | tail], default, fun) do
if fun.(head) do
find_list(tail, default, fun)
defp find_list([], default, _) do
## find_index
defp find_index_list([head | tail], counter, fun) do
if fun.(head) do
find_index_list(tail, counter + 1, fun)
defp find_index_list([], _, _) do
## find_value
defp find_value_list([head | tail], default, fun) do
fun.(head) || find_value_list(tail, default, fun)
defp find_value_list([], default, _) do
## flat_map
defp flat_map_list([head | tail], fun) do
case fun.(head) do
list when is_list(list) -> list ++ flat_map_list(tail, fun)
other -> to_list(other) ++ flat_map_list(tail, fun)
defp flat_map_list([], _fun) do
## intersperse
defp intersperse_non_empty_list([head], _separator), do: [head]
defp intersperse_non_empty_list([head | rest], separator) do
[head, separator | intersperse_non_empty_list(rest, separator)]
## join
defp join_list([], _joiner), do: ""
defp join_list(list, joiner) do
join_non_empty_list(list, joiner, [])
|> :lists.reverse()
|> IO.iodata_to_binary()
defp join_non_empty_list([first], _joiner, acc), do: [entry_to_string(first) | acc]
defp join_non_empty_list([first | rest], joiner, acc) do
join_non_empty_list(rest, joiner, [joiner, entry_to_string(first) | acc])
## map
defp map_range(first, last, step, fun)
when step > 0 and first <= last
when step < 0 and first >= last do
[fun.(first) | map_range(first + step, last, step, fun)]
defp map_range(_first, _last, _step, _fun) do
## map_intersperse
defp map_intersperse_list([], _, _),
do: []
defp map_intersperse_list([last], _, mapper),
do: [mapper.(last)]
defp map_intersperse_list([head | rest], separator, mapper),
do: [mapper.(head), separator | map_intersperse_list(rest, separator, mapper)]
## reduce
defp reduce_range(first, last, step, acc, fun)
when step > 0 and first <= last
when step < 0 and first >= last do
reduce_range(first + step, last, step, fun.(first, acc), fun)
defp reduce_range(_first, _last, _step, acc, _fun) do
defp reduce_enumerable(enumerable, acc, fun) do
Enumerable.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, acc}, fn x, acc -> {:cont, fun.(x, acc)} end) |> elem(1)
## reject
defp reject_list([head | tail], fun) do
if fun.(head) do
reject_list(tail, fun)
[head | reject_list(tail, fun)]
defp reject_list([], _fun) do
## reverse_slice
defp reverse_slice(rest, idx, idx, count, acc) do
{slice, rest} = head_slice(rest, count, [])
:lists.reverse(rest, :lists.reverse(slice, acc))
defp reverse_slice([elem | rest], idx, start, count, acc) do
reverse_slice(rest, idx - 1, start, count, [elem | acc])
defp head_slice(rest, 0, acc), do: {acc, rest}
defp head_slice([elem | rest], count, acc) do
head_slice(rest, count - 1, [elem | acc])
## scan
defp scan_list([], _acc, _fun), do: []
defp scan_list([elem | rest], acc, fun) do
acc = fun.(elem, acc)
[acc | scan_list(rest, acc, fun)]
## slice
defp slice_forward(enumerable, start, amount, step) when start < 0 do
{count, fun} = slice_count_and_fun(enumerable, step)
start = count + start
if start >= 0 do
amount = Kernel.min(amount, count - start)
amount = amount_with_step(amount, step)
fun.(start, amount, step)
defp slice_forward(list, start, amount, step) when is_list(list) do
amount = amount_with_step(amount, step)
slice_list(list, start, amount, step)
defp slice_forward(enumerable, start, amount, step) do
case Enumerable.slice(enumerable) do
{:ok, count, _} when start >= count ->
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 1) ->
amount = Kernel.min(amount, count - start) |> amount_with_step(step)
enumerable |> fun.() |> slice_exact(start, amount, step, count)
# TODO: Deprecate me in Elixir v1.18.
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 2) ->
amount = Kernel.min(amount, count - start)
if step == 1 do
fun.(start, amount)
fun.(start, Kernel.min(amount * step, count - start))
|> take_every_list(amount, step - 1)
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 3) ->
amount = Kernel.min(amount, count - start) |> amount_with_step(step)
fun.(start, amount, step)
{:error, module} ->
slice_enum(enumerable, module, start, amount, step)
defp slice_list(list, start, amount, step) do
if step == 1 do
list |> drop_list(start) |> take_list(amount)
list |> drop_list(start) |> take_every_list(amount, step - 1)
defp slice_enum(enumerable, module, start, amount, 1) do
{_, {_, _, slice}} =
module.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, {start, amount, []}}, fn
_entry, {start, amount, _list} when start > 0 ->
{:cont, {start - 1, amount, []}}
entry, {start, amount, list} when amount > 1 ->
{:cont, {start, amount - 1, [entry | list]}}
entry, {start, amount, list} ->
{:halt, {start, amount, [entry | list]}}
defp slice_enum(enumerable, module, start, amount, step) do
{_, {_, _, _, slice}} =
module.reduce(enumerable, {:cont, {start, amount, 1, []}}, fn
_entry, {start, amount, to_drop, _list} when start > 0 ->
{:cont, {start - 1, amount, to_drop, []}}
entry, {start, amount, to_drop, list} when amount > 1 ->
case to_drop do
1 -> {:cont, {start, amount - 1, step, [entry | list]}}
_ -> {:cont, {start, amount - 1, to_drop - 1, list}}
entry, {start, amount, to_drop, list} ->
case to_drop do
1 -> {:halt, {start, amount, to_drop, [entry | list]}}
_ -> {:halt, {start, amount, to_drop, list}}
defp slice_count_and_fun(list, _step) when is_list(list) do
length = length(list)
{length, &slice_exact(list, &1, &2, &3, length)}
defp slice_count_and_fun(enumerable, step) do
case Enumerable.slice(enumerable) do
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 3) ->
{count, fun}
# TODO: Deprecate me in Elixir v1.18.
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 2) ->
if step == 1 do
{count, fn start, amount, 1 -> fun.(start, amount) end}
fn start, amount, step ->
fun.(start, Kernel.min(amount * step, count - start))
|> take_every_list(amount, step - 1)
{:ok, count, fun} when is_function(fun, 1) ->
{count, &slice_exact(fun.(enumerable), &1, &2, &3, count)}
{:error, module} ->
{list, count} =
|> module.reduce({:cont, {[], 0}}, fn elem, {acc, count} ->
{:cont, {[elem | acc], count + 1}}
|> elem(1)
fn start, amount, step ->
list |> :lists.reverse() |> slice_exact(start, amount, step, count)
# Slice a list when we know the bounds
defp slice_exact(_list, _start, 0, _step, _), do: []
defp slice_exact(list, start, amount, 1, size) when start + amount == size,
do: list |> drop_exact(start)
defp slice_exact(list, start, amount, 1, _),
do: list |> drop_exact(start) |> take_exact(amount)
defp slice_exact(list, start, amount, step, _),
do: list |> drop_exact(start) |> take_every_list(amount, step - 1)
defp drop_exact(list, 0), do: list
defp drop_exact([_ | tail], amount), do: drop_exact(tail, amount - 1)
defp take_exact(_list, 0), do: []
defp take_exact([head | tail], amount), do: [head | take_exact(tail, amount - 1)]
## sort
defp sort_reducer(entry, {:split, y, x, r, rs, bool}, fun) do
cond do
fun.(y, entry) == bool ->
{:split, entry, y, [x | r], rs, bool}
fun.(x, entry) == bool ->
{:split, y, entry, [x | r], rs, bool}
r == [] ->
{:split, y, x, [entry], rs, bool}
true ->
{:pivot, y, x, r, rs, entry, bool}
defp sort_reducer(entry, {:pivot, y, x, r, rs, s, bool}, fun) do
cond do
fun.(y, entry) == bool ->
{:pivot, entry, y, [x | r], rs, s, bool}
fun.(x, entry) == bool ->
{:pivot, y, entry, [x | r], rs, s, bool}
fun.(s, entry) == bool ->
{:split, entry, s, [], [[y, x | r] | rs], bool}
true ->
{:split, s, entry, [], [[y, x | r] | rs], bool}
defp sort_reducer(entry, [x], fun) do
{:split, entry, x, [], [], fun.(x, entry)}
defp sort_reducer(entry, acc, _fun) do
[entry | acc]
defp sort_terminator({:split, y, x, r, rs, bool}, fun) do
sort_merge([[y, x | r] | rs], fun, bool)
defp sort_terminator({:pivot, y, x, r, rs, s, bool}, fun) do
sort_merge([[s], [y, x | r] | rs], fun, bool)
defp sort_terminator(acc, _fun) do
defp sort_merge(list, fun, true), do: reverse_sort_merge(list, [], fun, true)
defp sort_merge(list, fun, false), do: sort_merge(list, [], fun, false)
defp sort_merge([t1, [h2 | t2] | l], acc, fun, true),
do: sort_merge(l, [sort_merge1(t1, h2, t2, [], fun, false) | acc], fun, true)
defp sort_merge([[h2 | t2], t1 | l], acc, fun, false),
do: sort_merge(l, [sort_merge1(t1, h2, t2, [], fun, false) | acc], fun, false)
defp sort_merge([l], [], _fun, _bool), do: l
defp sort_merge([l], acc, fun, bool),
do: reverse_sort_merge([:lists.reverse(l, []) | acc], [], fun, bool)
defp sort_merge([], acc, fun, bool), do: reverse_sort_merge(acc, [], fun, bool)
defp reverse_sort_merge([[h2 | t2], t1 | l], acc, fun, true),
do: reverse_sort_merge(l, [sort_merge1(t1, h2, t2, [], fun, true) | acc], fun, true)
defp reverse_sort_merge([t1, [h2 | t2] | l], acc, fun, false),
do: reverse_sort_merge(l, [sort_merge1(t1, h2, t2, [], fun, true) | acc], fun, false)
defp reverse_sort_merge([l], acc, fun, bool),
do: sort_merge([:lists.reverse(l, []) | acc], [], fun, bool)
defp reverse_sort_merge([], acc, fun, bool), do: sort_merge(acc, [], fun, bool)
defp sort_merge1([h1 | t1], h2, t2, m, fun, bool) do
if fun.(h1, h2) == bool do
sort_merge2(h1, t1, t2, [h2 | m], fun, bool)
sort_merge1(t1, h2, t2, [h1 | m], fun, bool)
defp sort_merge1([], h2, t2, m, _fun, _bool), do: :lists.reverse(t2, [h2 | m])
defp sort_merge2(h1, t1, [h2 | t2], m, fun, bool) do
if fun.(h1, h2) == bool do
sort_merge2(h1, t1, t2, [h2 | m], fun, bool)
sort_merge1(t1, h2, t2, [h1 | m], fun, bool)
defp sort_merge2(h1, t1, [], m, _fun, _bool), do: :lists.reverse(t1, [h1 | m])
## split
defp split_list([head | tail], counter, acc) when counter > 0 do
split_list(tail, counter - 1, [head | acc])
defp split_list(list, 0, acc) do
{:lists.reverse(acc), list}
defp split_list([], _, acc) do
{:lists.reverse(acc), []}
defp split_reverse_list([head | tail], counter, acc) when counter > 0 do
split_reverse_list(tail, counter - 1, [head | acc])
defp split_reverse_list(list, 0, acc) do
{:lists.reverse(list), acc}
defp split_reverse_list([], _, acc) do
{[], acc}
## split_while
defp split_while_list([head | tail], fun, acc) do
if fun.(head) do
split_while_list(tail, fun, [head | acc])
{:lists.reverse(acc), [head | tail]}
defp split_while_list([], _, acc) do
{:lists.reverse(acc), []}
## take
defp take_list(_list, 0), do: []
defp take_list([head | tail], counter), do: [head | take_list(tail, counter - 1)]
defp take_list([], _counter), do: []
defp take_every_list([head | tail], to_drop),
do: [head | tail |> drop_list(to_drop) |> take_every_list(to_drop)]
defp take_every_list([], _to_drop), do: []
defp take_every_list(_list, 0, _to_drop), do: []
defp take_every_list([head | tail], counter, to_drop),
do: [head | tail |> drop_list(to_drop) |> take_every_list(counter - 1, to_drop)]
defp take_every_list([], _counter, _to_drop), do: []
## take_while
defp take_while_list([head | tail], fun) do
if fun.(head) do
[head | take_while_list(tail, fun)]
defp take_while_list([], _) do
## uniq
defp uniq_list([head | tail], set, fun) do
value = fun.(head)
case set do
%{^value => true} -> uniq_list(tail, set, fun)
%{} -> [head | uniq_list(tail, Map.put(set, value, true), fun)]
defp uniq_list([], _set, _fun) do
## with_index
defp with_index_list([head | tail], offset) do
[{head, offset} | with_index_list(tail, offset + 1)]
defp with_index_list([], _offset), do: []
defp with_index_list([head | tail], offset, fun) do
[fun.(head, offset) | with_index_list(tail, offset + 1, fun)]
defp with_index_list([], _offset, _fun), do: []
## zip
defp zip_list([head1 | next1], [head2 | next2], acc) do
zip_list(next1, next2, [{head1, head2} | acc])
defp zip_list([], _, acc), do: :lists.reverse(acc)
defp zip_list(_, [], acc), do: :lists.reverse(acc)
defp zip_with_list([head1 | next1], [head2 | next2], fun) do
[fun.(head1, head2) | zip_with_list(next1, next2, fun)]
defp zip_with_list(_, [], _fun), do: []
defp zip_with_list([], _, _fun), do: []
defp zip_reduce_list([head1 | next1], [head2 | next2], acc, fun) do
zip_reduce_list(next1, next2, fun.(head1, head2, acc), fun)
defp zip_reduce_list(_, [], acc, _fun), do: acc
defp zip_reduce_list([], _, acc, _fun), do: acc
defimpl Enumerable, for: List do
def count(list), do: {:ok, length(list)}
def member?([], _value), do: {:ok, false}
def member?(_list, _value), do: {:error, __MODULE__}
def slice([]), do: {:ok, 0, fn _, _, _ -> [] end}
def slice(_list), do: {:error, __MODULE__}
def reduce(_list, {:halt, acc}, _fun), do: {:halted, acc}
def reduce(list, {:suspend, acc}, fun), do: {:suspended, acc, &reduce(list, &1, fun)}
def reduce([], {:cont, acc}, _fun), do: {:done, acc}
def reduce([head | tail], {:cont, acc}, fun), do: reduce(tail, fun.(head, acc), fun)
defimpl Enumerable, for: Map do
def count(map) do
{:ok, map_size(map)}
def member?(map, {key, value}) do
{:ok, match?(%{^key => ^value}, map)}
def member?(_map, _other) do
{:ok, false}
def slice(map) do
size = map_size(map)
{:ok, size, &:maps.to_list/1}
def reduce(map, acc, fun) do
Enumerable.List.reduce(:maps.to_list(map), acc, fun)
defimpl Enumerable, for: Function do
def count(_function), do: {:error, __MODULE__}
def member?(_function, _value), do: {:error, __MODULE__}
def slice(_function), do: {:error, __MODULE__}
def reduce(function, acc, fun) when is_function(function, 2), do: function.(acc, fun)
def reduce(function, _acc, _fun) do
raise Protocol.UndefinedError,
protocol: @protocol,
value: function,
description: "only anonymous functions of arity 2 are enumerable"